Dow Futures Down -225 – China Crashing

Chinese stock futures are now down almost 7% – the 2nd biggest drop in 7 years.

Down futures down -225 Completely erasing April before you even get out of bed, and get a chance to have a look.

You see what I’m saying here? This thing will not give you “half a chance” to get out with your skin intact if you don’t have the foresight to consider  “ringing the bell” and “taking some off the table” BEFORE IT HAPPENS.

You “powerbulls” can take one on the chin this morning – and you deserve it.

I don’t have alot to say these days, as you know where I stand on the global economy in general, and this puff ball/hot air balloon you call a market.

Looks like you’ve ignored the last two posts…..and the “50 points lower” is “- 250 points lower” before the days has even begun.

Good luck with that, I’m off shopping for a new boat.