Are You Trading Any Of This? – Why Not?

This from November 14th:

I’d expect that “this time around” we’ll likely see the price of crude reverse here around 91.70 – 92.00 dollar area, with the usual correlating weaker USD.

I’m going to start running short-term technicals on stocks here soon, as well hope to offer those of you who “don’t trade forex directly” additional options and trading opportunities.

Dig up “oil related stocks” over the weekend and plan to get long.

Oil now touching 97.00

This from November 21st:

I’m not going to get into all the details here at the moment as……I imagine the majority of you could really care less.

“Just give us the trades Kong – what’s the trade Kong??”

The Australian Dollar is in real trouble here.

AUD has already come down considerably but…..I might see a “waterfall” coming – in the not so distant future.

AUD has fallen an additional 300 pips since.

This from December 1st:

In the simplest “minute to minute” sense I could easily bet you 1000 pesos that as the Nikkei trades lower, you can look forward to a lower open in the U.S

Nikkei now down -500 points as SP trades lower for 2 days in a row.

If these kinds of “market gems” aren’t providing you with sufficient information, to be placing profitable trades then I’ve got no idea what the hell you’re doing over there.

Granted you’ve got to be pretty quick these days to catch some of this but…..aside from the floating heads on your T.V just telling you to buy, buy , buy – how else are you framing “profitable” trade ideas?

I assume I need me to get more specific right?

Market Exposure – How Long Are You In?

It’s interesting when you consider that now a days – I spend far more time “out of the market” than in.

For as much time and effort spent, you’d likely think the opposite but….as the years go by, and as you learn to “pick your spots” – you find yourself doing a lot more waiting around than anything else.

I know it’s difficult when you are first starting out. Every “blip” feels like an opportunity lost and every minute feels like eternity while you eagerly await the next chance to trade. You practically “jump” at every little move – envisioning yourself “hitting the next big one” time and time again.

That doesn’t happen to me anymore. In fact, I can’t remember the last time my heart raced – let alone picked up a few beats. Finally you come to a point where “you make your plan”, you “trade your plan” and the plan just works.

I’d say the amount of time “in the market” vs “out of the market” is likely 25% of the time.

I dig into smaller time frame charts for fun, and place little trades here and there, but for the most part I’m usually sitting near 85% cash – watching and waiting for the next “real opportunity” to come my way.

Granted….these days – they don’t come as often as I’d like either but…….you can’t “make it happen”. You need to learn to be patient.

Real patient.

Oh! Oh! What’s that I see? Is the Dollar rolling over? No! It can’t be! Oh and what’s that as well? Is the Nikkei even gonna “make it” to 16,000? Is that GBP still pushing higher, do I see a “touch of strength” in JPY?

You’ve really got to love it when a plan comes together.

Master Your Trading – Practice Makes Perfect

Simply put…knowing the basics just isn’t enough – you know that. Especially when you consider that you’ve got money riding on it.

You’ve got to spend more time studying, observing, watching every second, in order to truly get your head wrapped around “how things really work”.

If it’s a particular stock or currency pair you’re interested in then….get it on your screen, not just a couple of times a day but ALL DAY and “really see” how the thing trades. See how it reacts at any number of moving averages, check it out on multiple time frames, draw those horizontal lines of support and resistance, watch for spikes in volume at given times of the trading day.

Throw those “bolinger bands” on it for example, and see what happens when price breaches the lines. Check a simple RSI and see what levels the thing starts to turn on. Brush up on your japanese candlestick knowledge and learn to identify significant formations.

Follow a given stock, currency pair, or any asset for that matter for a FULL WEEK no MONTH! Every single second that you can bear staring at the computer so when you step out onto the field, you take EVERYTHING you possibly can with you. KNOWING you are about to face the toughest team on the planet.

These guys have been playing professionally for YEARS!

Practice your entires, even if just in your head, then check back to see if you’ve improved over the last time.

Study those fundamentals so you’ve got a heads up on what type of price action to expect “before” announcements are made. Take Sundays to “put a plan together” for the following week, then see if things play out as you’d expected. If not – do it again next Sunday.

I can tell you from experience..there is no other way around it. The odd “hot tip here or there” will always be a possibility but to consistently “round those bases” you’ve got to dedicate considerable time and effort. You’ve got to stick with it.

I think you can do it….but the question really is – do “you” think you can do it?

Well enough with the motivational speaking – you know what I’m getting at. If you are here to learn then I suggest you “step it up a bit” and start chewing on some of this in your down time. There is a never ending list of things to study, and the great part is…the market is likely gonna be there forever so – you’ve got time!

I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.

Master Your Trading – Through Observation

Let me ask you a question.

If you’d never watched a game of baseball a day in your life, then fell in love with a “baseball fanatic”…How long do you think it would have taken you to get the gist of things?

You’d stroll by the T.V a couple of times…then maybe peruse the odd magazine lying around the house, pick up on a bit of the “lingo” and who knows? – maybe even ask a couple of questions about it yourself! Next thing you know…you’ve got the basics. You see the batter, you understand the guy needs to hit the ball then run around the “diamond”, touching all the bases in order to score. You understand that it takes 9 “innings”, and the team who’s had the most guys run around the diamond in that time – wins.

Basic. Very basic.

Now… bout the “double play”, or maybe the “bunt”? Have you considered the pitcher’s ability to throw that tiny ball with a “curve”?  Have you covered “stealing a base”?

Nope. Not so basic.

The question is…..Would you really “ever” take a deep enough interest in baseball to understand it through and through? Literally…to know ever single facet of the game, no questions asked , bang ! boom! wow! – You’ve got this down!!

Absolutely not. So now….with your “vast knowledge” of the game, your “deep understanding” of every nuance – imagine……………………….. you’re asked to step out on the field and “actually play”!

Have you ever even “held” a bat? Can you even run?

More later……..

Epic Close – New Highs For Dummies

Another fantastic week of trading comes to a close.

An epic close at that, as U.S equities continue their relentless climb higher – higher indeed, to the absolute highest level ever. EVER!


I applaud the U.S Federal Reserve for their achievement. Bravo! You’ve done it.

You’ve successfully devised a system, “where in” you and your cronies eat lobster and fillet mignon for breakfast lunch and dinner, every day of your lives – while passing the bill on over to the waiter, bartender and busboy ( frantically scrambling for any “scraps” they can tuck away in their gym bags) leaving pennies for a tip.

Bravo! Bravo! Everything is coming together perfectly – exactly to plan.

This chart on U.S Macro Data…………again.



How come I keep killing it with generally “bearish stock market calls” and “100% bearish currency movements”?


This thing is being sold on a level you’ve no possible comprehension of.

No “possible” comprehension of.

Have a good weekend all. Buy buy buy!



Waterfalls In Australia – AUD Going Down

I’m not going to get into all the details here at the moment as……I imagine the majority of you could really care less.

“Just give us the trades Kong – what’s the trade Kong??”

The Australian Dollar is in real trouble here.

Considering that the RBA is opening “talking down” AUD as the currency is considered “overvalued” (and in turn hurting Australia’s economy), coupled with the fact that “it’s been a nice run” on the back of massive expansion and development of China – it could very well be time for some serious downward action.

AUD has already come down considerably but…..I might see a “waterfall” coming – in the not so distant future.

Trades short in AUD/JPY would likely make the biggest move, as well for stock traders short “FXA”.

Buy Volatility As Your Hedge – Why Not?

I must have dreamt it but…..I could have sworn I’d posted this chart some time ago.

A quick look at $VIX.




Volatility “rises” when fear sets in. This cannot be questioned.

The $Vix has “bobbed along the bottom” for the entire Fed driven rally, and cannot / will not break below around 12.50 no matter how high the market goes. This is complacency to a degree BEYOND my scope of understanding….as it’s painfully clear that most people have indeed been “lulled back into thinking” every is going to be alright.

THE VIX HIT 90.00 back in 2008!

Risk Appetite – You'll Get It "Eventually"

You know me. I’m a currency guy.

As each of us “eventually” find our specific area of interest, be it options or futures, equities or bonds, currency or commodities, you’d like to think that – over time…..we get better at it.

After countless hours and many, many sleepless nights – finally……finally things start to come together. If you stick with it long enough “eventually” trade ideas and entry signals “literally” – come “leaping out of the computer screen”.

I suggested the other day that I was seeing weakness in the commodity related currencies. Those being the AUD, NZD as well the CAD. I also initiated a trade “short tech” last week – that is now about a “millimeter” from being picked up. The weakness in commodity related currencies cannot be ignored as…these currencies represent risk. Would it just be coincidence if we where to see the “short tech trade” get picked up , and see equities pullback as well?

I think not.

The currency market is like ” a gazillion times larger” than a single countries equities market, and it’s always been my firm belief that “currencies lead”.

You don’t get a “sell off in AUD” for example – because equities markets are looking weak. Equities markets “become weak” as “risk appetite” wanes. Appetite for risk is seen via currency markets “long before” it’s reflected in a silly bunch of stocks.

Take it for what it’s worth as everyone has their own views but… ignore movements in the currency markets, in exchange for headlines on the T.V, or perhaps an analysts opinion sounds like a great way to lose a lot of money.

I’ve entered “several new positions” short the commods against a variety of other currencies as my original “feelers” are looking quite good. GBP has been a monster, and CAD and AUD in particular have been taking some decent hits.

Small Trades Initiated – Smaller Expectations

I’ve stepped into the market with a handful of trades, keeping positions very small – with relatively tight “mental stops”.

Seeing the commodity currencies stall early yesterday, I’ve got to keep pushing in order to continually pull money out of this “labyrinth” we currently call a market.

Not having the “larger time frame stars aligned ” in situations like these,  often what I will do is jump down to the smaller time frame charts “regardless” and apply the same technical know how / skill – only with far smaller expectations, far smaller position size ( if that’s even possible these days ) and with a set % of risk, all-knowing I’m not in the “absolutely best place to place a trade”.

Often these “feelers” turn into fantastic starter positions as I generally “buy around the horn” but….one has to keep an open mind – considering the current market conditions.

That being – nothing is for certain.

USD continues lower, but fairly “unconvincingly” as JPY has shown the “tiniest bit of strength” although again – with little conviction. The commodity currencies are weak, but still hanging in there, creating an overall trading environment fraught with indecision.

I’ve entered long GBP/AUD as well GBP/USD , as well a couple “shots” at commods vs yen.

Global QE – Currency Wars 2.0

The Japanese stock market has ripped higher the past two consecutive days – pushing through overhead resistance and seemingly broken out, on the back of Janet Yellen’s last two days testimony ( I’m not holding my breath but very often these “inital moves” are the “fake out” only to be reversed days later ).

As the new chairman of the Federal Reserve, Mrs Yellen made it “all too clear” that she is indeed the “dove” everyone was expecting – and that further monetary stimulus was most certainly her “tool of choice” in the ongoing battle to right the U.S economy.

I am even more confident now that the Fed will “increase” its QE programs in the new year, and that further destruction of the U.S Dollar is all but a given. Simply put “those of us in the biz” know pretty much for fact that Japan is planning to increase its stimulus come April, and it now looks like “only a matter of time” before the European Central Bank throws their hat in the ring as well.

Given these circumstances, and the continued unemployment numbers and poor data coming out of the U.S – any idea of tapering is ridiculous, as “if anything” the Fed will need to “step it up” in order to remain competitive with the currency wars now headed for the next level.

With such an “unprecedented scenario” playing out over the coming months / year it’s pretty fair to say we’re going to see more of the same – this being the most hated “risk rally” in history. A difficult situation for “fundamental traders” as clearly the fundamentals play no role with the continued “pump of liquidity” so……..we take it day by day – rely on our technical no how , patience and experience to navigate the waves and continue to profit.

Having my longer term views yes…I could care less which way this thing goes short-term as…..which ever direction the money goes – I’ll be going there too.

I’m sticking to my guns here through the weekend and into next week, still looking at this as an excellent area to start looking “short”. The Naz short still in play, the weak USD considerations still in play, and the “inevitable turn” in JPY has only gotten juicier here as….when it does make it’s turn – its’ gonna be a whopper.