Short and sweet as this continues to play out exactly as planned.
You can short USD at 96.64 / 96.50 or just below for a very nice / long run lower.

Short USD For Last Time
Crypto’s to rock. Buy Oil, Silver n Gold.
Short and sweet as this continues to play out exactly as planned.
You can short USD at 96.64 / 96.50 or just below for a very nice / long run lower.
Short USD For Last Time
Crypto’s to rock. Buy Oil, Silver n Gold.
Stocks have almost completed their “intermediate cycle low” so you “holders of paper” only need to wait another day er two / catch your breath / don’t freak out.
You have grown “so complacent here” that these “few down days” have you on pins and needles, debating whether you should simply just “sell” before you’re left with nothing.
You sell on green candles traders ( some days ago? )…… and you buy on red.
None the less…..we are still very much so in a right translated / daily uptrend in stocks – with this cycle extending to like…..38-40 days? Wow….a long one….but now near completion.
Dow Nears Support
This is still a very strong uptrend – with an “intermediate cycle decline” now near complete. The test of support area ( as seen by the black line ) looking good.
I can only assume the next leg higher starts like……tomorrow.
Bitcoin slowly moving up from the proposed low at 6400.00
Gold = flat ( who really cares right? )
USD – Crater on deck – as suggested.
Hey all – you know your Japanese candlesticks well right?
What are you seeing here?
Heed The Wick – USD Done
Short USD at will, or if more responsible…..wait for a daily “swing high” where you see a candle such as this followed by a daily candle that closes LOWER. Then short BELOW that low.
Daily cycles can vary in length for different assets, but in general The U.S Dollar tends to move in an “18-22 day period” from trough to trough.
The previous daily cycle topped out on day 4 then rolled over for a good solid move lower over a 16 day period.
Today marks the beginning of a new daily cycle now………don’t get excited.
USD Downtrend to Continue
A new daily cycle that will “again fail” early ( if not immediately ) and roll back over for another “crater” into oblivion so……..a new daily cycle in a “bearish downtrend” only providing further opportunity to SHORT. The dark black line showing the resistance zone for USD. She ain’t poppin thru that – no way!
I’m not flinching / moving a muscle as today is a single day’s action that has already run straight into overhead resistance. The U.S Dollar is NOT reversing its downward trajectory here – hell no.
Waterfalls ahead. Stay Short – keep accumulating crypto. You’ll see.
I welcome your comments. Trolls and fans alike…….bring it on people. If you’ve got a gripe.
As I had mentioned some time ago, the “infrequency of posts” can be generally correlated to “how well I’m doing in markets” or more so in recent days – my complacency. Admittedly – complacent.
Why so Kong? You’ve always advocated vigilance and planning / observation as key elements to any trade plan. How’d you get so “chill” here these days? The world is crazy! What about Trump? Trump??
As much as the American’s have such terrible views of their current sitting President – have you seen how markets are performing lately? Trump continues to confuse…..but the big boys / highest earners / tax bracket / big business / economic drivers are loving it!
And now another massive depreciation of the U.S Dollar to boot? Anyone in the “financial biz” in complete heaven!
The “short USD trade” now 5 days running……now swung high on a MONTHLY chart = doom / waterfall action in USD coming AGAIN here pronto.
Please Read: I’ve highlighted the significant bits.
kong and rickards
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term to describe a situation where perception and reality are out of sync.
It’s similar to what most people refer to as “denial.” The patient sees things one way, but the reality is different. Of course, it’s just a matter of time before reality prevails and the patient is jolted back to reality. This process can be fast or slow, easy or painful, but the important thing to bear in mind is reality always wins.
Something like cognitive dissonance is going on in markets right now. Markets have been temporarily euphoric over Trump’s tax, regulatory and spending policies. Those policies are important to business and credit cycles and economic growth.
The perception is that happy days are here again. The new Trump administration is expected to pour trillions of dollars of stimulus spending and tax cuts into the economy. Immediately after the Nov. 8 election, investors took a quick look at Trump’s policies and decided they liked what they saw.
Trump wants lower taxes, less regulation and higher infrastructure spending. Corporate profits and consumer spending benefit from lower taxes. Banks and pharmaceutical companies benefit from less regulation. Construction firms and defense contractors benefit from infrastructure spending. There seemed to be something for everyone, and the stock market took off like a Roman candle.
And indeed, the major stock indexes hit one record closing after another. The Dow topped 20,000 this week before pulling back. The dollar has been trading near a 14-year high, although it’s slipped in recent days. Gold was moving mostly sideways until it broke out again over the past few days.
Bank stocks went vertical in expectations of wider net interest margins (from Fed rate hikes) and less regulation (from Dodd-Frank reform). Happy days, indeed.
Reality is another matter. I’ve been warning my readers lately that the Trump trade is levitating in thin air and is ready for a fall. Now that reality could be beginning to sink in.
It’s far from clear how much of the Trump economic agenda will see the light of day. Congress wants to offset tax cuts in one area with tax increases in another so they are “revenue neutral.” That takes away the stimulus. Less regulation for banks won’t help the economy if bankers lead us into another financial meltdown like 2008.
Infrastructure spending will increase the debt-to-GDP ratio past the already high level of 105%, putting the U.S. closer to a sovereign debt crisis like Greece. As I wrote Tuesday, many believe a 60% debt-to-GDP ratio retards growth. That’s the standard the ECB uses for members of the Eurozone. Scholars Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart put the figure at 90%.
Again, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is currently at 105%, as stated, and heading higher. Under any standard, the U.S. is at the point where more debt produces less growth rather than more. This is one more reason why the Trump infrastructure spending plan will not produce the hoped for growth. And if infrastructure is funded privately, you’ll need tools and user fees to pay the bondholders, which is just another form of tax increase.
There’s almost no way Trump’s policies can supply the stimulus the market is pricing in. The Dow Jones index peaked on Jan. 26, 2017, one day after cracking the mythical 20,000 mark. It’s now trading around 19,900. The downhill trend may continue and get steeper soon.
Productivity has stalled out in recent months. Economists are not sure why. It could be due to lack of investment by business, or that workers are not being trained in useful skills, or that everyone is spending too much time on social media. Whatever the cause, productivity is flat.
Fourth-quarter GDP came in at 1.9%, below expectations — the final chapter on the worst year of U.S. growth since 2011 when the economy was still healing from the global financial crisis. The strong dollar is a major headwind to growth, along with flat labor force participation and weak productivity growth.
Growth in a major economy is simply the sum of increases in the labor force plus increases in productivity. Think about it. How many people are working and what is the output per worker? That’s it; that’s all there is. The reality is that the workforce is not growing.
Labor force participation is near 40-year lows and is expected to decline further for demographic reasons. Birthrates have never been this low since the Great Depression. The U.S. used to get a labor force lift from immigration, but that might dry up because of Trump’s policies. We’ll have to wait and see.
A flat labor force plus flat productivity equals a flat economy, or almost zero nominal growth. That’s reality.
kong and rickards
How will this situation be resolved?
Either growth will rebound based on “animal spirits” and the Trump stimulus working better than expected or markets will collapse once they realize the growth is not coming. By “collapse,” I mean a violent stock market correction, a falling dollar and major rallies in bonds and gold. We expect the latter.
Financial crises are not mainly about the business cycle. They’re about investor psychology, sudden shocks and the instability of the financial system. Right now investors are skittish, numerous shocks are waiting to happen and the system is highly unstable due to overleverage and nontransparency.
Despite Trump’s best efforts and positive policies, a collapse could happen any day unless radical steps are taken to prevent it — such as breaking up big banks and banning derivatives. I’ve been warning about this for a while, but now mainstream economists see the danger too. Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller, for example, sees a stock market crash coming that could be worse than 1929 or 2000. I hope he’s wrong.
The problem with a financial panic is that panicked investors don’t care if the president is a Democrat or a Republican; they just want their money back. The same dynamic applies to natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes.
Once the disaster starts, the dynamics have a life of their own and don’t care if the victims are liberals or conservatives. Everyone gets hurt just the same. I’m not hoping for it, but this is a lesson Trump may learn the hard way.
Above I said collapse means a violent stock market correction, a falling dollar and major rallies in bonds and gold. I expect the latter. The long-term trends favor gold if U.S. growth continues disappoint.
The strong dollar story can’t last, so it won’t. The Trump administration has clearly signaled that the day of the strong dollar is over. When you see a coordinated attack on the dollar from the White House, the Treasury and the Fed, you can bet the dollar will weaken. That means a higher dollar price for gold.
The dollar may get one last boost from a Fed rate hike in March, but after that, even the Fed will acknowledge that they got it wrong again and start another easing cycle with happy talk and forward guidance.
For now, investors should not stand in front of a moving train. Keep cash ready and be prepared to move into gold, bonds and the euro. In fact, it’s not too soon to leg into those positions now.
Instead of watching the tape or short-term trends, my advice is to stay focused on the long-term trends. That’s how you’ll make the most money and preserve wealth in adversity.
kong and rickards
One can only wonder how “positive for markets” a 7.5 Earthquake off the coast of Fukushima will be ( no sarcasm there )
Regardless…..USD topping out for the long plunge over the next several weeks.
I’m jumpin on board here shortly, and will likely get picked up sub 99.00 with tonnes of room for lower.
I like the short side, as people freak out and movements are so much bigger.
Steady as she goes…..
When you see an over night wash out like that…… take notice.
A full 200 point drop and return to 97.80? Common – hit this thing today.
A simple correlation – the price of commodities and the U.S Dollar.
Gold being priced in USD obviously.
As the “value” of The U.S dollar rises – Gold price goes down. When the value of USD falls….one would expect the inverse in gold. Gold moves higher as USD falls. All good?
So you should find it interesting then, that over the past few days ( since giving the green light to buy gold ) The U.S Dollar has remained strong. Suggesting to myself at least…..that “even with a relatively strong dollar” the price of gold and silver related stocks have not only remained buoyant, but have made some pretty sold gains over the past few days.
I bought IMG at 4.68 a couple days ago – Now sitting at 5.29 – All the while USD has continued to move higher.
So what gives Kong? How can the value of the U.S Dollar keep rising AS WELL as Gold and related names?
Answer: An intermediate bottom in Gold.
I’m not talking about a nice little dip to buy, or a quick little stock tip to make you a couple extra bucks for beer….I’m talking about a large scale “fundamental shift in money flow” where the big boys are already well in position. Fully prepared for the U.S Dollar to fall – just that couple of steps ahead of you as…….you still see relative strength in USD even while the big money keeps scooping up Gold.
These large-scale “intermediate turns” don’t play out in a single day.
This will be short-lived, and here is why:
The Euro only further confirms the move currently in play as……it’s now very VERY close to bottoming as well.
Currencies don’t lie. You can’t have EUR and USD going up at the same time!
So the trade at hand is as follows. Long Gold / Silver and the miners NOW…….and short USD ( long EUR ) here in coming days…once this turn shows itself to the masses.
These “big turns” take weeks and even months for the big boys to build positions, so you don’t always see typical correlations playing out “minute to minute”. It’s my firm belief that the entire year of 2016 has essentially had the big money distributing stock to retail investors….while they quietly and patiently unload USD and scoop up Gold.
Make no mistake. It’s “Dollar Short Time” again here soon, with large gains planned in EUR longs, and a solid investment in Gold.
You think it’s backwards. You don’t think it makes sense but…….haven’t you been reading / lurking here long enough to know better by now? Once you throw currencies into your watch lists, and basket of tools to draw from…you can see things much clearer.
Big moves coming post election.
I laugh out loud this morning….as Im sure you´ve seen my last two posts – encouraging you to get short USD.
Talk about timed to perfection. USD is getting hammered on ¨no real news¨ and look at that…..U.S Equities falling pretty hard too. Again I wonder about all those blow hard ¨dollar longs¨struggling to understand how I keep making this look easy.
The trade is ¨short USD¨…….the reasons are many.
Timing has been key here these past months as you´ve recently seen me come out of hiding to bang down the first trade in weeks – if not months.
Boom……. thar she be.