I Make So Much Money – You Don't

What do you want me to say?

I lose all the time?

Don’t listen to me then. You can make your own decision about the market, and I’m sure if not – your broker will give you a call and get you “in and out” at exactly the right time. You can always count on him right?

(Now rolling on the floor laughing)

Like that will ever happen!

Buy the dip.Everything is fine. The Fed’s got your back. No worries.

Yes yes of course……..

That’s it. I’ve got nothing else…..and neither do you.

Adding more. Making more money. Adding more…and more…..






Trade Entry – Which Time Of Day Is Best?

These days placing a trade in the early morning of the U.S Equities session brings with it, a high percentage chance – of just getting your face blown off.

Understand that the vast majority of what the industry defines as “dumb money” refers to those trades placed “before the bell” – as well those placed within the first hour after.

The “smart money” is generally buying or selling during the final hour of trading.

Pulling this apart – it makes pretty good sense. Newbie traders driven purely by emotion, catch wind of a news story overnight, or perhaps on the early morning financial news and “rush to get in” with fear of missing the move. Like lambs to the slaughter more often than not, price drops out from under them, fear sets in, perhaps even panic, and shares are then dropped / sold – only to be picked up on the cheap by the “smart money/big boys” just moments before the close.

Wash.Rinse.Repeat – and so the market goes.

For the most part, I view the “entire trading day” during the U.S session, as being nothing more than a meat grinder for retail traders, who generally enter at the wrong time, and in turn – are easily shaken out of their positions.

  • Do you find it difficult to resist the urge to buy in the early morning?
  • Do you think you could learn to condition your behavior, and consider buying the close?

USD on day 3 in a row literally “flat as a pancake” as Thursday is now in sight. I’m “still” holding a number of pairs (10 pairs actually) with little concern – short of being bored to death. I’ll keep my eyes open late afternoon and have little expectation of “anything big” happening here today.



Clues To The Correction – A Graphic Tale

Did it really matter if the economic data was “so so” these past 6 months – as the continued efforts by both The Fed and The Bank of Japan just kept pushing equity prices higher and higher regardless?

I don’t know how many times I pulled up charts, pointed out facts, figures, levels etc suggesting these last “several hundred” SP points where merely a “last-ditch effort” to keep the spin “positive”, and keep the story “believable” just a little while longer. Did it matter?

Absolutely not.

Regardless of any of the underlying “fundamental factors” suggesting slower global growth, until it’s “in the news” and the media machine, The Fed, and the Wall Street algorithms switch to “sell” – the data doesn’t matter one hill o’ beans.

The contraction phase has clearly begun, with the Fed sticking to its guns ( for now ) and stock price set to “re adjust” reflecting prices a little closer to those of us down on Earth.

If you didn’t know back “then”…………where in the graph below do you think we are “now”?



Remember this beauty?



And this one, with respect to the movement of supposed “smart money” ( the big boys) vs “dumb money” ( retail investors )….essentially suggesting “selling” the entire last year and a half.



It’s really no surprise at all that markets are finally making the “obvious turn” lower, considering everything we’ve learned / seen over the past couple of years.

When you consider they’ve had no business being this elevated in the first place.

If we aren’t on the other side of the mountain now ( after 5 straight years of Fed induced stock prices ) resulting in essentially “zero” new economic growth, and now entering a macro phase of “tightening and contraction” I really can’t wait to see what they pull out of their hats next.

Watch for the next “retail bounce” likely already here, and if I was doing anything ( other than trading currency ) I’d be using the opportunity to sell.

Forex Monthly Candle Sticks – Worth A Look

Have you ever taken the time to “zoom out” on your charts, and have a look at things from a “monthly perspective”?

Same formations. Same patterns etc, only in that “each candle” represents an entire months trading information, as opposed to the 1 hour, 4 Hour ,daily or even weekly charts you may regularly peruse.

Monthly charts provide a “macro view” to say the least and are “extremely important” to take into consideration.

You’ve now come to understand “a reversal” formation, as well the “pin bar”, and can now likely pick out  a “swing high” or “swing low” in price action – at a moments glance. You’ve also come to recognize the “value” in identifying these “patterns of reversal” – as they provide for some pretty outstanding trade entries.

Now consider the implications when identifying such reversals on a “monthly time frame”.

Price action has moved higher in a “succession of higher highs and higher lows” for literally months, but now suggests reversal in a “monthly variance in price”. Imagine.

That’s huge, and the implications are vast.

When an asset has “swung high” or “reversed” on a monthly time frame, you can throw your hourly charts out the widow as…..the implications of the move to follow will be reflected in “months” of reversed price action, not merely in a couple of hours or even days.

Do you have the account balance to “hold” through a move like that? Do you “doubt” the reversal pattern? The same pattern you’ve come to rely on daily, hourly? (patterns, and areas of support and resistance become much “more reliable” the larger the time frame – not less.)

The SP 500 is “a hair” shy of “monthly reversal”.

That’s huge.

Forex Kong System – Currently Not For Sale

Forex Kong System. Huh?

We’ve now got a fellow out on the internet flogging a “forex trade system” – apparently “the forex kong trade system” for sale as a downloadable product (video promo and all), assuring unknowing buyers “obscene riches” – at the simple press of a button.

What is it that they say….”imitation is the ultimate form of flattery”?

Much appreciated dunce.Keep it up – as your efforts are futile.

Could you imagine my readers / followers falling for something so ridiculous?

Yes that’s right a “forex kong system” – there for you at the very press of a button.No commentary, no analysis, no fundamentals, zip…..just “click here to download – get rich”.

Can you even imagine???

I’ll have squashed this moron’s attempt to “ride our coat tails” with this single blog post and encourage all of you to just ignore it. The internet is a battle ground equally as brutal as markets themselves and you know me – I will not sit idle a second. It’s Sunday night, and this post will pass as many more to follow that you may equally disregard.

I need to stake my claim! A forex kong system for download / sale? Please…..give it up man.

Gimme a break.

Don't Get Shaken Out – Aussie Going Down

You think the ultimate “risk currency” on Earth just “jumps to life” like a serial killer in some bad horror flick, for absolutely no reason at all? Just “poof” look at me I’m alive, and I’m coming back with a vengeance?

News flash….”not”……and you’re likely getting shaken out here my brotha.

I can’t tell you how to trade. I can’t tell you “what to trade” and frankly, if mirrored in “any number of other areas” life wise – you really don’t want to follow my advice anyway.

Ahhh…..but this is forex.

You’re not asking me if you should “go and ask the guy on the corner if he’s got a better price”, or “Hey Kong! Can I take a taxi ride on the Island of San Andres in an unmarked car after 2 a.m?

No no……this is forex…this is safe.

He he he……..

Aussie sees 84 and lower before it sees 90 so……….you make the trade.

Forex, Gold, The Fed, USD – Trades Next Week

With all the talk of “collapsing emerging market” currecies, and the now “global move” towards risk aversion, we are starting to get a good idea as to how the Fed’s massive liquidity injections ( which spilled out of the U.S over the past 5 years ) have fueled spending / investment in these countries – and now the effect of that “hot money” being pulled back out.

As you’ve come to understand, huge amounts of freshly printed U.S Dollars invested “elsewhere” in search of better returns ( as if you can imagine..U.S banks / investors groups would rather invest in an “emerging economy” that their own “sinking” econmomy) are now pouring back into U.S holdings accounts in fear of much further downside risk.

The Fed’s commitment to tapering ( or at least until they freak and double QE) has triggered a rise in interest rates “planet wide” as many of these “emerging economies” now scramble like mad to adjust.

Keep you eyes on gold and silver for buying opportunities ( I like EXK as well ANV ), as well be prepared for some “serious letting of air” in U.S Equities as from a technical perspective we’ve not even made a dint yet, and the fundamental trade is pretty much clear as day.

Fed sticks to tapering – and planet goes down hard. Fed boots up QE ( and more ) band-aid gets put back on. I’m really curious to consider “how far they will actually let things slide” , as even another 1000 SP points doesn’t really look to scary on a weekly chart. Things could easily fall much further over the coming months.

Forex wise, we’ve finally come into the shift and volatility needed to pull “serious profits” in a very short time as these things always move “much further and faster” when moving to the downside.

A complacent buyer is one thing……..but a “freaked out seller” is another animal all together.

We gorillas stand to do very well in times of “correction”.

Exactly the same trade idea’s setting up for the following week, short of a couple days (perhaps late in the week for a breather / bounce ( and slightly lower USD ). We are clearly in a proven “up trend” in USD both technically and more inportantly fundamentally so…..I will continue to press until proven otherwise. Fed POMO running once on Monday and then “Double POMO” on the 5th then virtually NO POMO for nearly 2 full trading weeks! Let’s see how markets hold up…..or not.



I’ve been updating / tinkering with my Face Book page as well if anyone is interested in “liking” or following etc…. Forex Kong on FaceBook