Nikkei Loses 15,000 – Need I Say More?

I don’t know what you people are watching these days….likely too much T.V.

The Nikkei just broke below 15,000 oh and look!!

U.S stocks taking a hit, as the final gasps of “hot money” out of Japan start heading for home in preparation for whats coming next.

JPY making a very VERY solid move higher as we’ve been over about a million times.

But let’s just forget all about that….and keep our eyes peeled for CNBC to tell us when things will go higher.

Disgust. Horror. Disdain. Vomit. Choke. Sputter.

More Of The Same – Markets Chase Tail

Gold taking a bounce here as would be expected.

I’ve got plans to sell nearly anything and “everything” gold and silver related mid-week “next week” on whatever continued strength.

You can’t look past the fact that tensions with Russia ( as well China really ) could put even more strain on the U.S Dollar ( ie……these big boys “selling” ) so……with this in mind….do I think the Fed will let go of its grasp on gold and silver in the paper market “tomorrow”?

Not likely.

Otherwise….stopped out on GBP/AUD and will just try again. So it goes… goes trading – no big thing.

Otherwise….all data out of U.S continues to “completely miss” with this morning looking as bleak as ever…so obviously stocks rise.

Yen strength here ( odd in light of “risk” climbing higher ) in stark contrast to “all is well” mentality running at extremes.

Night night Ukraine as the IMF finally gets its mits on The Ukraine with promise of massive loans etc..

Friday morning with little else to say or do.


Have a good weekend all.




Chinese Fire Sale – U.S Dollar Up In Smoke

Make no mistake…China “will” take the hit on those warehouses filled with “useless dollar bills”, or at least what’s left of them by the time they’ve used all they can to buy gold.

As the “macro plans” continue to take shape, the Chinese will soon look back on the “massive fires that raged through the warehouse district” as a passing story in the news – in the context of a “time of change”.

Consider trading hockey cards with a couple of the other kids on your street. All of the same set and series, until a month or two later a new set is introduced and you start trading those. More kids are buying and trading these “new cards” until finally – all you’re left with is a tiny box of the “old ones” eating up precious storage space under your bed.

Eventually you forget all about them, as the trade of these “new cards” now has you buying and trading with little concern for the “few dollars lost” on the inventory of “old cards” gathering mold underneath your bed.

I think that sums it up.

As China continues to grow its domestic economy, and promote trade in Yuan as opposed to the U.S Dollar, it’s really only a matter of time until both China as well “a large portion of the industrialized world” separates completely from any dependence on a U.S imposed system of trade in U.S Dollars.

We good here?

No terrorism here. No “bash America” / China to rule the world type thing no.

Just a simple outline of how a couple of countries on this planet have grown to be less “export dependent” and more “domestically driven” and far less interested in the purchase and hold of U.S “funny money”- with the unfortunate result leaving The United States and it’s continued devaluation of the U.S Dollar  – out in the cold.

As the Fed continues to “mask” the true devaluation of the U.S Dollar by shorting the gold paper market and driving prices down, China gladly scoops up every ounce she can – demanding “actual delivery of the physical gold”.

China will continue to not only produce more gold, but as well purchase more gold “on the cheap” with every single “Fed raid in the paper market” to soon present the Yuan as a completely convertible currency on the global stage.

Complete with stockpiles of “real gold” sitting in vast warehouses behind it…..somewhere on the other side of the tracks.

So what does this mean for the future of the U.S Dollar and it’s use as the worlds reserve currency? What does this mean for the massive amounts of money previously gained by the U.S via the “use” of USD in trade world wide – soon to be lost?



China Reserves – Gold And A New Economy

So holding the world’s reserve currency with no need to justify / verify that anything of “real value” ( such as gold ) stood behind “said currency” sure gave the United States and incredible advantage / gift no?

With a “U.S Dollar system” now in place, and demand for those dollars “world-wide” ( as in order to buy a commodity such as sugar, gas or oil – other countries needed  to convert their local currency to USD first ) U.S Dollar printing and exporting literally “exploded”.

Exploded all right.

With complete and total disrespect for the privileges given, years of gross government spending and expansion, several “senseless wars” and total abuse of the U.S Dollar ( with it’s role as the worlds reserve currency )…things exploded alright.

Into the 17 “Trillion Dollars” The United States currently finds itself in debt.

Now, for the longest time China played right along ( in order to keep trade with the U.S stable ) pegging the Yuan to the U.S Dollar and buying tonnes of U.S government issued bonds as well amassing incredible U.S Dollar reserves in order to purchase commodities for it’s own growing population.

Back in the day China had little choice but to play along as its own economy was really only just getting started.

In 1994 when China pegged the Yuan to USD she lacked the population centers and distribution networks needed for a stronger “consumer-oriented domestic economy” to take hold. China’s only choice at the time ( lacking a large domestic economy ) was to remain focused on the continued strength of its exports, and its unfortunate relationship” with the ever depreciating U.S Dollar.

Well that was then…….and this is “now”.

A few things for you to consider before I wrap this up, and perhaps you’ll see where I’m going with all this….before I even get there.

  • China is currently the world’s largest producer of gold, and has been actively buying gold at record amounts month over month.
  • China’s economy is set to expand by an additional 7.5% in 2014 in comparison to the U.S economy lucky to grow at all, and more likely to continue into recession.
  • China’s central bank has said it no longer sees any benefit in increasing its $3.66 trillion foreign currency reserves, meaning no more U.S bond buying.
  • China currently has bilateral trade agreements ( trade outside of use of the U.S Dollar ) with more than 20 countries including Russia, Australia , Brasil , Mexico , The United Kingdom “and” even the EU!

Please refer to the complete list half way down the page located here at Wikipedia.

So in a nutshell the recent “domestic growth” in China has finally created a “consumer based economy” where in products manufactured in China are now able to be sold in China.To the extent that local businesses now exist and  “prosper” with little reliance on “exporting” and a decreasing reliance on anything to do with “exchange to USD.

We good so far? Makes sense right? Years of internal growth finally culminating in a society / economy able to stand alone and support its own domestic businesses ya? An “export based economy” now looking to become a “consumer based economy”? Pretty straight forward really.

So…..China has literally “warehouse after warehouse stuffed to the rafters” with U.S Dollars that are rapidly depreciating ever day the Fed’s printing presses keep running, with little interest in keeping / using these dollars as every day goes by.

China can now buy and sell any number of goods with a large portion of the industrialized world with little to no concern for the dollar, and has now built a “consumer based economy” of its own capable of supporting growth – with decreasing concern for export.

So…….What is she gonna do with all those U.S Dollars sitting there gathering dust and losing value as we speak?

I’ll wind this up ( I promise ) with one more post outlining what China plans to do about all this….and how it will likely affect things in the West.

The Nixon Shock – Gold, China And USD

I want to explain something, that I think most of you will find beneficial ( much of the material reworded from Wikipedia ) as well bring it “up to speed” as to what it means in today’s day and age. This might go on for a couple of posts.

After WWII the “international financial powers that be” agreed to create a system wherein the U.S Dollar was placed deliberately as the anchor of the system, with the US government guaranteeing that every US dollar held in reserve – could be exchanged at a fixed rate for gold.

Everyone agreed to use a single currency ( the U.S Dollar ) for international trade, and that those dollars could be exchanged for a “fixed rate of 35 dollars” for an ounce of gold.

This is what is meant by a “gold backed” currency, providing holders of that currency the “confidence” that the pieces of paper in their hands are “actually worth something”…that something being gold.

For every dollar on the planet an equal amount / value in gold, should the holder of that dollar choose to own gold instead.

Got it? Excellent.

This made things “relatively” straight forward as countries around the world “pegged” their local currency to the U.S Dollar, and the U.S Dollar was pegged to the price of gold.

Price “stability” had been established.

So for the first years after World War II, the system worked well as foreigners wanted dollars in order to  spend on American goods such as cars, steel “manufactured” in the U.S.

The U.S. owned over half the world’s official gold reserves ( 574 million ounces at the end of World War II ) so the system appeared secure.

Well….by around 1966 ( due to excessive spending by the U.S for the Vietnam War as well many domestic programs ) the U.S realized that foreign banks reserves had grown to about $14 billion dollars, while the United States had only $13.2 billion in gold reserve. Of those reserves, only $3.2 billion was able to cover foreign holdings as the rest was covering domestic holdings.

essentially the U.S had printed ” a few too many dollars” to cover the actual amount of physical gold held in their vaults.

Soon foreign countries ( holding depreciating USD ) began demanding redemption of these dollars for “real gold”. Switzerland redeemed $50 million, then France acquired $191 million etc until finally on the afternoon of Friday, August 13, 1971 President Nixon “literally pulled the rug out from under the system” ( The Nixon Shock ) and closed the gold window – forbidding foreign holders of U.S Dollars from exchanging them for gold, essentially “sticking foreign holders of U.S Dollars” with a currency now set to be dramatically devalued.

The Nixon Shock unleashed enormous speculation against the dollar as you can imagine. With no gold behind them, the value of “boatloads” of U.S Dollars distributed world wide…… put into question.

I promise I’ll skip the middle part…and get this up to what’s happening in the world “right now” with China’s movement/interests  in particular.