I’ve taken a massive jump and just updated my local cable / T.V options to now include “english CNN”.
That’s right…..for the first time in the last 10 years I’m planning to “tune in” to America’s #1 news channel ( is it? ) on my on free will.
I just can’t sit this one out as…….from a global perspective the current “news” out of The United States and “how it may affect me” is certainly worth a couple extra pesos. Currently I’m watching Obama reading from a teleprompter/ cue cards on the latest reductions in the “food stamp program” now squeezing MILLIONS of Americans already struggling to keep food on the table.
I understand the “upper class” being what…..2% of the population? Then the middle, and of course the lower.
How long will it be, before the scales are tipped to reflect a 99 to 1 percent ratio, where there is no middle class??
You’ll have Uncle Ben, Obama and the Wall Steet clowns – and a nation of slaves no?
I’ll do my best to keep my observations / comments “respectful and objective” but……it’s been an hour and a half and………
I’ve got to get out of here.
I’m going for a walk.
P.S – I just got back from the local grocery store where I bought enough food for myself and the “future Mrs Kong” to last a week.
35 buck by my math.