Nothing more.
Don’t say I didn’t give you 5 days advance warning…and a string of excellent trade suggestions.
In the infamous works of Connor McGregor – It’s clearly red panty’s night tonight!

Kong Celebrates A Little Early
Nothing more.
Don’t say I didn’t give you 5 days advance warning…and a string of excellent trade suggestions.
In the infamous works of Connor McGregor – It’s clearly red panty’s night tonight!
Kong Celebrates A Little Early
Just wish I could have backed the truck up at JNUG 10! I’m not too worried, though. The easy money in metals and miners always seems to be made in the run-up to the Fed meetings.
This is different here as….this turn represents a far larger turn in a macro sense.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again…….when this shit show / bullshit pump in U.S Equities finally ends…money is going to POUR into commodities like people of this generation have never seen.
The majority is hypnotized. Television shepards to living room sheep ….the media has the majority sold on the most overblown bullshit economic recovery of the century. It’s bullshit…
This is a chance to grab some gold and likely hang on for a much longer term ( if you are that kinda gal )
The U.S Dollar is very quickly losing it’s place as the worlds reserve currency ( as it generally changes hands every 100 years er so anyway ) but you think the media would let the sheep know that??
Fake news. Fake news… worse a sector for fake news than the financial sector.
Grab some gold….sell some stocks…..makes sense to me and I’m just a primate.
Let’s hope you are right…someone has to be.
Love your handle….not so much your email address
Hope not a factor….this is trading. I can and will be wrong many times….it’s the number of wins vs losses that count.
Yeah I’ve noticed managed money and mutual fund guys slipping 3-8% slices of commodities into clients’ portfolios. Probably hoping to be the cleanest dirty shirt and tout their risk-adjusted returns on the other side of the massive sell-off we are headed for…
The big boys have likely taken the entire year of 2016 …and now these months of 2017 to pass the bag off.
Long term charts of $CRB….suggest as well that commode have bottomed.
Hi Kong ,
will you be short dollars on the stg and yen as well
Long yen man….short USD here against pretty much any other currency.