I too will be taking part….but of course – in my own “creative way”. Even at that “very cautiously”.
The U.S Dollar as well U.S Equities will now put in the long-awaited “swing low” ( if you don’t know what that is yet….please research swing trading ) so for those of you interested in pressing the long side in stocks – now would be your time. I have no individual stock suggestions as the vast majority are so ridiculously bloated, with valuations that ( to me at least ) make very little sense but….you can’t knock “retail euphoria”.
The larger question at hand begs….
Will the next leg in “risk” reach for higher highs before hitting the skids? Or……will we fall short / put in a “lower high” and roll on over for the larger scale “plunge” expected in coming months?
The current geo-political landscape isn’t exactly what I would call “stable” but how many times has that been the case where U.S Equities simply shrug it off…and the funny money just keeps flowing.
I’m immune to earthly headline / media disease and rely only on my “inter-dimensional time shifting machine” to guide me. I see retail money……must get retail money…must have MORE RETAIL MONEY! So……there it is in a nutshell.
Buyers beware. Stay tight. Remain vigilant. But feel free to jump out on the playing field and take a kick at the can.
What’s the worst that can happen?

Kong Strong
Thats the coolest kettlebell iv ever seen lol, i want one.
Made a nice swing up on usd/jpy today, gotta love the bounce.
You bet – not bad timing around here these days.
USD rip should be good for at least a week / 5 trading days before I would look to jump off / re evaluate.
It’s a tricky time here and the medium term direction is still up for grabs so…..profits? bank’em when you see’em!
Spoken like true champ. I do see more up but iv already bagged it cuz like you said medium term still up for grabs and im not greedy. AUD/JPY is very good indicator it was breaking out way before usd moved. Waiting now for a eur re-entry and eyeing up USO
You do know that atot people see Forex kong laugh and move on right lol., but boy o boy do you drop priceless knowledgee on these peeps and i dont even think they know it it.. f…ing awesome 🙂
Luckly im crazy as hell so talking to a Gorilla and mulling over trade advise from him isnt to many steps removed for me.
People can go blow it.
Now YOU!……You Lee are my kinda guy! It takes a certain type of human to look a little deeper, and I so appreciate that you’ve seen past the facade / metaphor – A gorilla no less!? The irony no?
That’s right….financial/trade advice from a gorilla.
I’m short humanity………long interplanetary travel.