As most of you already know, I follow The Japanese Nikkei more closely than American Markets as its my firm belief that we will see larger scale moves reflected their first.
The Nikkei has been trading completely flat for a whopping 16 weeks now ( 4 months flat as a pancake ) at levels that are starting to suggest that “a lower high has already been made” on a larger scale time frame.
Let me show you.
Here is the “weekly” chart of The Nikkei clearly showing the 16 weeks of flat/range trading which, unto itself isn’t really that big a deal.

Nikkei Trading Flat For Weeks
Now if we “zoom out” even further things start to look a bit more interesting as we start to put this “congestion zone” into perspective.
Here is the “monthly” chart of The Nikkei.

Nikkei Monthly Chart
It’s my feelings that The Nikkei actually topped “mid 2015” and that we’ve spent the entire last year and a half in “distribution mode” – with respect to the continued pump in U.S Equity prices. Japan’s stock market has been unable to share in the Kool-aide drinking, as cheaply printed Yen has flooded over to America, been converted to USD and used to buy stocks.
This is why you see the incredible correlation with U.S stocks and the currency pair USD/JPY ( bet you where wondering about that! ) as the pair rises when stocks are purchased and falls as stocks are sold.
I don’t see The Nikkei reaching for new highs but rather (and more likely) breaking thru support and moving along to create a very large / significant “lower high” on a monthly time frame. Things could get quite ugly from there.
This does not bode well for the “risk on trade”.
mate how fantastic is that aud jpy trade going.. holy shit, great call
Things are getting quite interesting here as……even as stocks “kinda bounce” currencies are sticking to their guns as “risk off” is still very much in play.
I am only a day er two max from my next wave of entries based on anticipated USD movement.
I need to see USD roll over on or before Thursday, and I’m in for the next leg down in risk. I’ll post proposed currency pairs and all else here shortly!
Nice work man!