The purchase of both Bitcoin and Ethereum back on Sept 22nd has been incredible.
All about the same time most “financial gurus” where suggesting crypto currencies were finished – low and behold….a dip and only a dip as Bitcoin is set for higher highs….then higher highs again.
In Canada I use QuadrigaCX for my crypto trading and they are great.
I highly recommend starting an account as it only takes a minute / is so easy and connects directly to your bank account for deposits and withdrawals.
USD has floundered / not “crashed” to the degree that I imagined but…the trade there as well, having held for 3-4 weeks short = Killer.
Shall I go on?
How bout the Canadian Marijuana Stocks??
I bought Aurora at 2.15! ACB
I bought Canopy Growth at $7.50! WEED
And recently picked up THC BioMed ( a friends company in Canada ) at .40 cents. It was .99 cents yesterday!
You know I’ve got the newsletter, and you know how bullish I am on Canadian Marijuana companies. The last 6 weeks have been unreal, as I seriously doubt we will ever see these price levels again.
Jump on the mailer and you might just catch the next wave.

Kong’s Got Weed
So u planning to hold on ur usd shorts?
Hi Peter.
No Peter….the trade has been very kind to me – but I am now “back to cash” with respect to my short USD trades.
Ok cool.. so I Guess u are expecting usdjpy to break above 114.5?