It’s been a real tricky one here folks. The pullback…..the volatility in general but….
For those of you with dry powder, the daily cycle has now most certainly confirmed a “new daily cycle” ( as of Wednesday ) so…..I’d be a buyer here this morning – seeing markets down pre-market could be a nice little opportunity.
Don’t let the jobs data phase you. It’s the same bullshit / phoney baloney U.S economic recovery we’ve been hearing about for what – years now? Don’t let the data get in your way – just buy stocks here “again” and keep a watchful eye on the highs.

american gorilla buys the dip
Still holding CALL Options to April & May . Now…if only we could pry the keyboard away from Trump for a few weeks…
Ha! No kidding!
Unreal seeing this play out day to day. The guy is one crazy pres I’ll say that.
Hi Kong,
Best part of half a decade, you were a US stock market short, expecting a collapse etc.
What has changed your mind that now you are prepared to go long?
Is this the ultimate indicator go short signal – one of the last die hard shorts has become a bull :-p
Best Regards
Great hearing from you man…..and ya…as a “stock market bear in general” – this last wave / pullback and current market conditions still add up to ” yet another cycle higher”.
What can you do man? You roll with it….me personally – I don’t own a single stock short of the long term Canadian Marijuana guys and GBTC the bitcoin trust ( as a cheap means to own ) so……..for the most part – I’m out.
Rock n roll man… cycle began ( as suggested some days ago ) so try your hand OR……..take the side lines.
Only you can make the decision.
u mean u closed.ur bitcoin.positions?
Never….I added….I am in the green on BTC / LTC as well break even with Tron
I was just playing with you my friend :-p
I learnt many years ago, just have to take what the market gives you, up or down.
I do not think the CB’s will ever let go – they cannot afford to now. Another crisis, they will all have to explain why after a decade of QE where the top 1% benefited the most, why nothing really changed for the majority, it will be the end of them in their current form.
So they will do all they can – or until they have the perfect patsy to pin everything on.
Cheers man.
Get out there and roll the dice!!
Disgusting idiot there is no legalization taking place in june ….pump and dump.
Wait……what did you say?
Pretty harsh their ol fellow – easy , easy please.
The senate vote is June 7….what more does anyone need to know?