OK so………
Let this simply be a lesson to you. You are NOT PREPARED for a market melt down. You are not protecting your gains……you are NOT PREPARED for “this” in any possible sense, as you’ve just seen the entire year of 2018 ERASED in a matter of days.
No judgement here. We are all learning. We are all doing the best we possibly can.
Or are we?
History repeats itself ( or so you’re told ) so Ok….let’s take a quick look at that.
This is the longest BULL RUN ( now going on 10 years ) in THE ENTIRE HISTORY of the stock market. Stop for a second and ponder….the longest bull run EVER, on the heels of the largest money printing experiment in the history of mankind…now 10 years out! This has NEVER HAPPENED before. EVER!
The brainwashing at a maximum as…….when you look in the mirror tonight before bed and you actually consider things are just going to “keep moving higher”?? Madness. This is pure madness, and in my eyes….completely irresponsible.
Did you learn anything the last time around?
If this “shot across the bow” hasn’t been enough to shake you out of your complacent / oxy driven sleep well…….I have little sympathy. This is a blessing for those who care to open their eyes.
The big boys are essentially already out!!! Bam! Just like that….one years worth of CNBC hype – your cash now transferred to your broker / bank as you capitulate / sell at the bottom. Indeed…..history repeating itself. THE BIG BOYS ARE ALREADY OUT!
So….what happens next?
Retail buys the dip.
The media swings back into full-blown promo, the numbers keep coming in / data not “too terrible” ( fok…….are you nuts?? Housing will never recover the previous highs, tech “might” push on, transports not going to recover the previous highs etc…..) – The list goes on.

Housing Off A Cliff
While you where off golfing in Phoenix. The algo changed. This will NEVER recover as indication quite similar to the fall of 2007-8. Housing hooped and interest rates GOING UP!
So what do I do?
If you have anything left at all ( which for most is likely a big fat “0” ) you do indeed buy this dip……as one of the last runs towards the highs. IF! – The highs are reached again.
Throw greed out the window = you lost. You are now a bag holder. Period.
If lucky…..my suggestion is simply to sell every fokin thing you own prior to May 2019 – IF NOT SOONER as……the profits you saw on paper a month ago are very unlikely to return. THEY WILL NOT RETURN!
So this is not a time of greed……this is not a time for complacency..this is a time for protection / caution / plan for the fall out.
2008 gonna look like a total picnic. Stocks to shed some 50-60% value / market cut in half. Total economic destruction. Why on earth would you hold thru 4 years of that? ONly to find yourself below break even?
I won’t allow it.
Prepare now.
Selling is your goal. Not buying.
USD is about to moon shot so I would expect Bitcoin to decline pretty heavily.
Hilarious man….
USD moonshot? Wow……let this be a lesson to all – do your own due diligence!!
Any basic knowledge of the the global economy / currencies dictates that USD is headed for the basement….but I’ll bet “1 billion dollars” you’re American eh Michael? You’z got the blinders on baby.
It is hilarious because it’s true.
Do the opposite, use Kong as a contra indicator.