Insanity Trade 2 – Updates And Add Ons

In case you’ve forgotten about it. The “insanity trade” is still very much alive. So much so in fact,  that I want to (not only bring you up to speed) – but also introduce……..Insanity Trade 2!

Not much different from the original “insanity trade” we’re talking about EUR/NZD this time.

Ok. Wrapping your head around the “reasoning” or the “fundamentals” behind these trades is a stretch for even the most experienced of traders. Pitting the Euro against AUD and now NZD?  What the hell? Why? How? What could you possibly be thinking about “fundamentally” to consider such a bizarre trade / pairing? Now?

I’m not going to tell you.

These are the Insanity Trades remember! You need to be insane to take them, and possibly insane to understand them!

I am placing an order long EUR/NZD a full 100 pips above the current price action – my order to buy is at : 1.6260

The current insanity trade is currently sitting EXACTLY BREAK EVEN at 1.43 ( what? you think I sold / freaked on the Fed? Hell no! ) – It’s an insanity trade.

That’s it. Do not try this at home.


Commodity Currencies – Trade Up

In case you haven’t noticed  – commodity currencies are strong across the board this morning. The Kiwi , Loonie as well the Aussie all making reasonable moves upward against nearly everything under the sun.

Generally associated with “risk” I do find it interesting that these currencies are exhibiting relative strength a short 24 hours ahead of the Fed’s Announcement. Further “blurring” the markets expectations of a “modest taper”, a “super taper” ( highly unlikely ) or no taper at all , seeing these currencies on the move could be perceived a couple of ways.

  •  Ramp job into tomorrow’s announcement ( with consideration/expectation of “selling at higher levels”) and selling the news.
  • Heightened expectations that “everything is gonna be just fine” and money flowing into these currencies early.

Unfortunately it requires “speculation” as to which way things are gonna go tomorrow as the market isn’t “giving it away” that easily. Low volume is also a contributing factor as price moves are exaggerated.

The Kiwi in particular is on a real tear this morning but “just now” bumping into its resistance zone.

I’ve stopped out on a couple of scalps from the night prior, as I’ve no intention of holding anything “for fun” under the current market conditions. JPY longs are a long-term hold regardless, and I’m out of all USD related pairs, more or less 85% cash – looking for entry after Wednesday’s announcement.


Old School Correlations – Late Night Thoughts

I’ve been watching the market like a hawk these past 2 days.

I’d spotted the weakness in USD, then in turn the Japanese “Nikkei” pushing up to its prior level of resistance…then it’s rejection, discussed the likelihood of the Japanese Yen (JPY) taking on strength in times of “risk aversion”, and just in the last few hours suggested that commodity currencies are under pressure.

I’ve taken on the “insanity trade”, and have been actively posting just about everything I can ( here and via Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Facebook) over the past 48 hours as to what I’m looking at – and what I’m up to.

So what the hell  – here’s another nugget.

I’ve exited all “USD short” positions, and am currently looking at “risk off” type positioning via “long JPY” ideas, as well a couple other “crafty variations on risk” short AUD as well NZD.

The one variable I’d not really not “nailed down” this time around, was weather or not USD would “fall along side risk aversion” ( as it has several times these past 2 quarters ) OR if the old school correlation of “risk off = USD up” might rear its ugly head once again.

Global “risk aversion” WILL have USD as well JPY shoot for the moon as “safety is sought” on a macro / awesome / unbelievable / nut bar / chaotic / monumental level – while “risk is sold” in equal fashion.

I’m pleased to be free of any USD related trades, and almost hate to say it but…….we “could” ( and I do say “could” ) be close.

Kong “debating long” USD.

JPY pairs are most certainly rolling over here as suggested with Nikkei making it’s daily “swing high”. Commods look weak so that’s pretty much a given trade. What remains to be seen is where we fit the good ol US of D. My “hunch”? – We’ll have to wait a day for that.

Was That It For AUD? – Looks That Way

As you all know I tend to be a little early with some of my market observations / calls.

After studying these charts for as many hours / days / years as I – you start to see things a bit differently. As many of you are likely “just now” getting familiar with commonly occurring patterns and price levels, and starting to fit some larger “macro analysis” into  your daily trading, I tend to see things the same things playing out – over and over again.

We’ve hit the “resistance zone” I suggested yesterday in the Nikkei, as well I see a “swing forming” around 1680 on the SP 500 futures, coupled with a tad bit of Yen strength and a continued weak USD.

Let’s throw in a generally weak AUD as well NZD ( the New Zealand Dollar) and what have we got? Just another “up/down churn day” or perhaps the start of something more?

I’d considered some time ago that any strength in AUD would be short-lived, and I now see that this could be about it – or at least a reasonable level to look for a trade.

Keep an eye on AUD through today and tomorrow for further signs of risk coming off.

Currencies In Perspective – Risk And AUD

The value of the U.S dollar (USD) is currently at the exact same exchange rate with the Japanese Yen (JPY) as it was back in April.

So, in case you hadn’t been back n fourth to Japan several times over the past 5 months – you wouldn’t have a clue as to the fluctuation in these two currencies value ( in relation to one another ) in that,  absolutely nothing has changed.

Broad stroke….a person holding USD “hit’s the currency exchange window” at the airport, lands in Tokyo and buys a chocolate bar for the exact same price as last time – 5 months earlier.

Now if your business partner was Australian, he wouldn’t have had it quite so easy. Back in April the “Aussie” could be exchanged for 1.05 Yen ( JPY)  and those chocolate bars at the airport appeared “cheap”  – where as today ( only a short 5 months later ) that Australian dollar only yields .89 Yen (JPY). That is a pretty massive change in such a short time don’t you think??

Let’s stop and think about this for a moment.

Japan has embarked on the largest “Quantitative Easing Program” known to mankind in efforts to “devalue” Yen (JPY) and lower the prices of its export goods ( if Yen goes down in value then “you” with your Canadian or U.S dollars would be “incentivized” to buy Japanese goods as they appear more affordable) yet EVEN AT THAT – THE AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR HAS LOST CONSIDERABLY MORE VALUE!?!

That is some serious , SERIOUS , business in the land of currencies where at “one time” the Aussie dollar was considered the “go to currency in times of risk appetite”.

Some “major players” have been sneaking out the back door here over the past 6 months selling AUD aggressively, and this stuff just doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

…………..more over the weekend.


Gold And Silver – Manipulation Explained

If you’re having trouble accepting the general idea that the U.S Federal Reserve will continue its assault on the U.S Dollar ( devaluing USD providing considerable relief to the current government debt obligations) then I can’t imagine you’ll be particularly thrilled with the following breakdown on gold and silver.

There is no greater enemy to the Fed than a rising price in gold or silver.

Against a backdrop of such extreme money printing and currency devaluation in the U.S, if left to reflect its true value” (as we’ve seen with respect to the price of gold priced in Yen)  the price of gold would now be significantly higher – and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than we see reflected in the current “paper market”.

When ever Uncle Ben gets nervous about the price creeping higher, he simply calls his buddies at JP Morgan, sends them a couple suitcases of freshly printed U.S toilet paper and POOF!

JP Morgan piles in even further “short” (via naked short contracts placed at the CME / COMEX) and the “paper price” continues to flounder/move lower. Ben keeps printing useless fiat paper – and the continued “illusion of prosperity” runs across televisions country-wide.

As I understand it ( and please forgive me if I’m way off ) there is considerably more silver/gold current sold “short” than physical / actual metal currently “above ground” on the entire planet Earth, and as informed investors now look to take “actual delivery” of the physical as opposed to just “trading in the paper market” we are about to see some serious fireworks.

Many heavy hitters have already suggested that The Comex may soon be looking at default. (CME Group is the largest futures exchange in the world. Many commodities, of which gold is one, are traded on this exchange. The gold exchange – which is often still referred to as the Comex, its original name prior to being bought by the CME – is the largest gold exchange by volume in the world).

Take it for what it’s worth as JP Morgan is now under investigation by the FBI and other authorities – this all may fall into the category of “conspiracy theory” if one chooses to just bury their head in the sand. 

Your head would absolutely spin if we jump up another “rung on the ladder” to discuss the London Bullion Markets, The Bank of International Settlements and The Fractional Gold System – let alone where China fits in.

Gold And The Dollar – What's Next?

If you consider the massive easing / devaluation of the Japanese Yen some months ago, and put yourself in the shoes of an average Japanese investor waking up,  morning after morning – only to see the price of Gold  (priced in Yen of course ) going through the roof,  you’d almost think you’d entered the Twilight Zone.

This doesn’t make any sense! I thought the price of Gold was going down, down down. What gives?

When traded “against” a currency that is rapidly losing it’s value ( via rapid printing / easing such as the methods currently being used by the U.S Fed) , it only makes sense that a hard asset ( such as Gold) which cannot be duplicated/printed/ reproduced “should” rise in value substantially – as in the simplest sense – you’ll need a whole lot more of that “local currency” in order to purchase it right?

The example seen in Japan is exactly what one would expect to see  – when a currency is rapidly debased in value, and then compared / traded against something that “cannot” be artificially created. Currency value down = Gold price up.

So what the hell has been going on in the U.S then? Why do I see the value of Gold taken to the cleaners AS WELL my USD / purchasing power getting smashed? How can this be?

How can this be you ask? How can this be?

………………………to be continued.

How Macro Can You Go? – Part 5

Fiat money is money that derives its value from government regulation or law. The term fiat currency is used when the fiat money is used as the main currency of the country. The term derives from the Latin fiat (“let it be done”, “it shall be”).

The term “fiat money” has been defined variously as:

  • any money declared by a government to be legal tender.
  • state-issued money which is neither convertible by law to any other thing, nor fixed in value in terms of any objective standard.
  • money without intrinsic value.

It’s important to remember that the actual money we hold in our hands has “no intrinsic value” and more or less serves as a “marker” for the exchange of some kind of good or service. Essentially “fiat money” is only worth what a given person feels he/she can exchange it for that “is” of some material value. The control of the “production” of this money is in the hands of Central Banks NOT a given government, and It’s herein where the true problem lies.

In the United States for example, each time the Central Bank prints a U.S Dollar and then “loans” that dollar to the U.S government ( by way of purchasing a U.S Bond which pays the bank a small rate of interest in return) more and more government debt is created!

Someone already “owes interest” on the newly created dollar bill before it’s even hit the street! As the entire system from the absolute top down ( as when your own local bank lends “you” money that they don’t really even have ) is created for the sole purpose of “creating debt”!

Why on Earth you ask? Would a government give the power of the “control / production / creation” of money to an outside / independent bank? A bank whose sole purpose is to create profit for its own  small group of investors? A bank that essentially sits “above” the actual government itself in creating money from out of thin air and then demanding interest be paid?

He he he…….we may come full circle here – as you recall the previous reference to “us humans” as little ants. If things are starting to fall into perspective now …how macro can you go?

How Macro Can You Go? – Part 4

Kong Quote:

Could the ancient astronaut theory hold true?

That thousands of years ago celestial vistors came to our planet in search of materials needed for their very survival – and in realizing the difficulties in extracting these materials from the ground, developed modern man to essentially do the hard work for them?

This would certainly save me the trouble of explaining where Gold fits in to the “macro” eh? Eh?

In “attempting” to keep these posts “on Earth” – so far I’ve managed to reduce humanity to tiny insignificant biological entities, devouring resources, and essentially destroying all other known elements of life –  as fast as “humanly” possible.

Life has existed on Earth for more than 3.5 billion years, yet in only the last 150 – we’ve pretty much managed to eradicate most of it. Could this essentially be the consequence of an innate “human desire” to find and possess Gold?

Pulling human beings out of the equation, biology on Earth takes care of itself with “absolute perfection”. Every creature there for a reason as it benefits another. Every process a part of something larger, and every system a part of something smaller. All stacked on top of itself to allow for everything – and I do mean everything to exist as it “should”…as a perfect part of something else.

If there was one thing on Earth that makes absolutely no sense at all…………….wouldn’t it be us?

How Macro Can You Go? – Part 3

If it wasn’t for the fact that the U.S dollar is the world’s “current” reserve currency – I’d likely have a wider range of  things to write about, and I need to be bit careful here.

Frankly – I’m bored stiff of the debate. If it where the “Aussie” or the “Loonie” or the “Kiwi” whatever…same this is the current situation, and you’ve got to look at it for what it is.

The world’s reserve currency has changed many, many times in history –  and will most certainly change again. If you can’t wrap your head around that well…’ll need to dismiss “human history” as well.



The current “news headlines” making light of  the American Dollar’s day-to-day “strength or weakness” have little bearing on the larger macro changes at hand, as these things take years, and years , AND YEARS to come to fruition.

A simple example. You wouldn’t have blamed the CEO of a large American company back in the 80’s for crunching the numbers, and realizing that “outsourcing her manufacturing to China” would save investors millions – you’d have praised her!

Then another CEO caught on, then another and another…yet another – then “another” until finally – BOOM!

20 years later and America has more or less sold out it’s entire domestic manufacturing industry! Oops.

Good night Detroit!

Point being…….these things take years to manifest in a literal “news headline slap in the face” , and this “is the point”. The “macro” is there behind the scenes and will “always” provide valuable insight when looking to assess and evaluate the “micro”.

The question remains…How Macro Can You Go?