Let me ask you a question.
If you’d never watched a game of baseball a day in your life, then fell in love with a “baseball fanatic”…How long do you think it would have taken you to get the gist of things?
You’d stroll by the T.V a couple of times…then maybe peruse the odd magazine lying around the house, pick up on a bit of the “lingo” and who knows? – maybe even ask a couple of questions about it yourself! Next thing you know…you’ve got the basics. You see the batter, you understand the guy needs to hit the ball then run around the “diamond”, touching all the bases in order to score. You understand that it takes 9 “innings”, and the team who’s had the most guys run around the diamond in that time – wins.
Basic. Very basic.
Now…..how bout the “double play”, or maybe the “bunt”? Have you considered the pitcher’s ability to throw that tiny ball with a “curve”? Have you covered “stealing a base”?
Nope. Not so basic.
The question is…..Would you really “ever” take a deep enough interest in baseball to understand it through and through? Literally…to know ever single facet of the game, no questions asked , bang ! boom! wow! – You’ve got this down!!
Absolutely not. So now….with your “vast knowledge” of the game, your “deep understanding” of every nuance – imagine……………………….. you’re asked to step out on the field and “actually play”!
Have you ever even “held” a bat? Can you even run?
More later……..