If it’s “sell” on Yellen you’ll know for certain that the “machines that be” have most certainly flipped the switch from “buy” to “sell”.
I can assure you “anything” currently in play with respect to the big boys ( and I ) positioning for the “very near future” is already in full motion.
You have to appreciate how long it takes for Central Banks or other large institutional players to “put on” or “take off” positions SO LARGE, that it takes weeks “if not months” to slowly leg in as to not move price to quickly.
If you think “anyone” with an institutional influence is “sitting around waiting” for more clambering from The Fed this afternoon – you are sadly, sadly mistaken.
This move is well underway as seen via currency markets some weeks ago.
Yellen has absolutely “nothing” to do with what’s “already” going on.
Let retail take risk for a final “blip” higher ( as I would gladly welcome that ) as anything higher only represents better opportunity to get short.
We’re already in position. Check out the Members Area at: http://www.forexkong.net/getting-started-start-here/
Good luck to all, and watch out for that “bad weather”.