The last two days “rocket ship” strength in the USD , and in turn further weakening of the Japanese Yen pretty much blew my trade plans out of the water – as I had been positioning for the complete opposite. The currency markets are extremely volatile right now – to the point to where I “should” likely take my own advice and step aside.
We all know I’m not gonna do that.
We will wait and see if indeed the USD has any follow through here – or turns back down and continues on its way. In light of this I wanted to show you something interesting. Not as much the USD value vs any number of other currencies – but USD with respect to its actual “purchasing power” in real world scenarios.
I’ve “borrowed” this lovely graphic from friends at Zerohedge, and hope no one will mind:
Inflation is nothing new I know, but it does go to show how “endless money printing” really affects those living within it, as opposed to just looking at USD vs another currency. Fact is, with every Central Bank on the planet doing it’s best to keep up with the devaluation of the USD its difficult to really see it day-to-day.
In not living in the U.S and getting almost unimaginable “bang for my buck” here in Mexico, I can’t say that I know what it feels like either – but imagine that a young struggling new family ( with likely one person out of work ) must be feeling the pinch.
And so the printing continues……. with likely larger QE 5 coming soon.