With the continued stream of data coming out of the U.S looking less than impressive, and the constant reminders of China’s impending slow down – there comes a point where one truly needs to step back and take a good hard look at the reality of our current situation.
We’ve discussed “normalcy bias” here before as well the effectiveness of “money printing” and Central Bank interventions….as well we’ve been over hundreds of charts / values / levels etc navigating the day-to-day “ebb and flow” of currencies around this planet.
But what about the larger view? I mean – THE LARGER VIEW.
We know that the money printing can’t last forever. We know that the largest consumer economy on Earth (the U.S) is essentially flat to worse – after massive devaluations of its currency. We know that China is slowing down. We know that Europe is in no better shape than it was several years ago – and likely in worse shape behind the scenes.
We see / read that nearly every panel / comittee / board / analysis / is projecting for Global GDP to fall – not rise.
Short of advances in space exploration and biotech – what do you see as potentially the “next driver” in global growth?
Not some “housing number”..not some “fed announcement or recovery bullshit” – I’m talking about something that will actually SPUR GROWTH ( as did the Internet for example….the Industrial Revolution etc…) ?
If nothing immediately comes to mind then I suggest taking another moment to consider – how long do you seriously think this “Ponzi scheme” can continue short of something REAL happening to kick-start another phase of growth on this planet?
What’s it gonna be?