Why Isn't Fukushima Front Page News?

I’ve learned everything, I’ve read everything – but I still haven’t “heard” anything!

What the hell is going on? I mean seriously!

We’ve got the Golden Globes front and center on a typical Sunday night here in the West, while a population of 13 Million people in Tokyo sit quietly unaware of the looming disaster only 150 miles away!

150 miles! Can you even imagine! A nuclear accident / disaster that makes Chernobyl look like a beach BBQ, and you’ve got an entire population ( not to mention an entire planet now that Japan has passed the laws “forbidding reporting” on the incident ) sitting in the dark!

Obama and the boys in Britain, France, Canada have sent millions in aid and stepped right up to help  tiny African countries work thru civil “disputes” ( not taking anything away from the horrors there in ) as well helped any number of countries through “national disasters” at the drop of a hat!!

How the hell can the entire world continue to turn a blind eye to what’s really going on in Japan?

It’s like sitting at home in Seattle, and the nuke site is in Vancouver – that close ( with winds blowing at a modest 6 km/h)…..and you’re not making plans to move????

Unreal…..we’ve seen more coverage of a “f$&kin cat stuck down a storm drain” than that of the largest industrial disaster known to mankind, let alone the largest impending threat to our human existence! Where are the news helicopters? Where’s the “minute to minute coverage” of the attempted removal of fuel rods etc?? Where’s the “evacuation plan” when ALL OF JAPAN needs to get off the rock?

How can this not be considered a “global event”? And immediately take the attention of the planets top ranking / thinking / experts in the field to “get their asses over there” and get this thing figured out!

I can’t believe that I will actually have to cross off one of the most highly anticipated travel / food / cultural adventures of my “proposed” future now knowing what I know.

I will never get to sit at “Nobu” in Tokyo and stuff my self to the gills with the finest sushi on the planet, and worse yet – I won’t be able to take anyone to enjoy it with me.

Japan now  – “officially” off limits.

Unreal. I am beyond sad.


Reflections On China – Where To Next?

If you’re not following China’s economic story  in a “day-to-day sense” – I completely understand.

It’s not like you don’t have enough on your plate, with what’s going on in your own lives. Tough enough these days keeping up with the troubles in Europe, or the world’s largest nuclear disaster in Japan, not to mention your kids, employment, your health and likely a million other things far more pressing than “what the hell is really going on” in China.

Well…..I try keep things pretty straight forward here for that reason alone. Gimme the info , no need for a bunch of meaningless numbers and charts etc – just tell me what it amounts to, and how it may affect my investment decisions / trading moving forward. Thank you Kong, have a good day – talk to you later. Fine.

You may recall that China’s leaders had their “Third Plenum” meeting some months ago outlining a list of reforms to be taken on by the country through the coming years. The general gist of this as it may affect you is simple – China needs to move away from the policies centered on “massive and somewhat inefficient growth” to a more sustainable model where support is now given to the “tiny shoots” that may have blossomed as a result.

Simple enough, and simply put – China’s reform policies moving forward will contribute to “a generally slowing economy” as “growth” takes a temporary back seat to “sustainability”.

You also have to appreciate that China “IS” the global growth engine. China is now the largest trading nation in the world in terms of imports and exports, after overtaking the US last year.

The proposed reforms in China make absolute and perfect sense as,  much like a well-tended lawn – you’ve done the work to get that grass growing, it’s up , it’s starting to grow – but you’re certainly not going to “flood it” with a pile more fertilizer now are you?

The implementation of reforms in China will undoubtedly contribute to the slowing of global growth moving forward, but as we’ve all come to recognize / understand – this will only be a small “zig or a zag” in the long-term chart of China’s continued move higher.

Forex Kong On CNBC – All Next Week

Unfortunately “no” I won’t be appearing on CNBC all of next week, as I really can’t see getting to far past “hair and make up” before going completely “apesh#t” swinging from various parts of the set, and likely “tearing to shreds” any number of “floating heads” found therein.

Did I just hear that brunette haired gal suggest “the Fed might need to consider pulling back on tapering??” BEFORE tapering has even started??

If they’ve got mind reading technology down there fine, but if they continue to simply read Forex Kong daily and “pepper my concepts / suggestions” in amongst the rest of their garbage look out!

He he he….but seriously. What I am going to do next week for the sheer “entertainment value” alone is…..I am going to follow / watch, and actively comment on CNBC for the entire week.

I am going to follow / watch, and actively comment on CNBC for the entire week.

Likely of more interest to American readers ( or perhaps not ) let’s look at next week as a unique opportunity to “really see” just what these people suggest during a time of obvious transition and increasing volatility. I will be watching closely.

So far today I heard another guy say “get long Japan and Europe” as well the brunette “hinting” that perhaps the Fed will need to “pull back on tapering”.

Next week promises to be a week full of fireworks, so we might as well enjoy it right?

I’m going to enjoy it alright. Let’s have some fun shall we?

Have a great weekend everyone.


Kongdicator Tweaks – More Time At The Beach

You know I’d have to say that I’m pretty proud of myself.

A full ten days here in January and I’ve placed a couple of little “feeler traders” here and there, but for the most part haven’t made a single “move” of any real size / conviction. The investment environment has been volatile yet “directionless” as even today ( with the “even worse than expected data” out of the U.S – surprise , surprise there Kong ) we still find ourselves “hovering” around the same levels, with currencies taking people for big rides in both directions, and plenty of questions still hanging in the air.

I think you know where I stand.

The idea of “recovery” in the United States is ridiculous, the stock market is a complete and total fabrication, the idea of “tapering” sounds more ridiculous by the day, and I expect to see global growth “slowing” moving forward.

It’s “the timing” that will be key in order to keep pulling profits.

We’ve still not been given a clear signal as to “what’s gonna happen” when we see risk come off, or even if the Fed will “allow” risk appetite to wane as…….you wonder…at what level would the Fed immediately step back in to prop up markets? ( Gees….I’m already looking “that far ahead”.)

With continued concern as to “which way will USD go”? I remain focused on the “known/obvious” correlation between Japan’s Nikkei and the Yen ( trading inversely as expected ) as opposed to getting caught up in the confusion surrounding USD, and the next turn in markets.

I don’t want to get long USD – but I will if I have to.

I’ve over road signals produced by the Kongdicator these past few days as yes….signal fired “long JPY” on several other pairs other than just AUD/JPY, but I’ve approached this with caution, made a couple tweaks and have now “extended” the entry time “x factor” further away from the time signal is initally issued. So far that has kept me out of markets longer, but also out of “chop” a full 2 or 3 days longer so……an improvement in my eyes.

CNBC Says – Get Long Japan

Have you lost your mind?

Right now you are sitting in front of a television where a “big fat talking head” named Joshua M Brown ( at http://www.thereformedbroker.com/ ) just told you….YES AMERICA –  to “get long Japan”.

Have you lost your mind?

Perhaps this will be the one time the message gets through. The message from “those of us” outside the influence of American media and the absolute “ridiculous transfer of wealth scheme” every witnessed on planet Earth.

Have you lost your mind?

If I saw this guy pass me by on the street, you’d have to hold me back / stop me from punching him in the knee, then spitting in his ear. It’s completely and totally outrageous.

How do you sleep at night Josh Brown??

Buy The News – If You Can Afford It

I don’t go digging up these little facts and figures on the U.S Economy myself, as the following “quote” was cute/paste/borrowed from our dear friend Dr Paul Roberts:

“””According to the official wage statistics for 2012, forty percent of the US work force earned less than $20,000, fifty-three percent earned less than $30,000, and seventy-three percent earned less than $50,000. The median wage or salary was $27,519. The amounts are in current dollars and they are compensation amounts subject to state and federal income taxes and to Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. In other words, the take home pay is less.

To put these incomes into some perspective, the poverty threshold for a family of four in 2013 was $23,550.

In recent years, the only incomes that have been growing in real terms are those few at the top of the income distribution. Those at the top have benefitted from “performance bonuses,” often acquired by laying off workers or by replacing US workers with cheaper foreign labor, and from the rise in stock and bond prices caused by the Federal Reserve’s policy of quantitative easing. Everyone else has experienced a decline in real income and wealth.

As only slightly more than one percent of Americans make more than $200,000 annually and less than four-tenths of one percent make $1,000,000 or more annually, there are not enough people with discretionary income to drive the economy with consumer spending.”””

The question begs to be asked: With this many Americans, making so little money – how can you honestly believe they can buy stocks? Let alone support a “consumer recovery”?

The U.S stock/bond market is nothing more than a Fed manipulated/fabricated “scam” put forth in attempt to mask the true state of affairs, and to bolster global confidence for as long as possible before this thing goes off the rails completely.

U.S Traders Frozen – Yen Ripping Shorts

It would appear that the cold weather system crossing the United States has frozen U.S traders dead in their tracks. Frankly I would have expected a bit bigger “welcome to 2014” type day here, as most traders “should be” back to work.

Stuck sitting in an airport then are we? Yuk. That’s no fun for anyone.

Well…..traders in Asia have certainly hit the ground running, as the good ol Nikkei tanks an additional -225 now down -550 in just the past few trading days. Not exactly the “best start” to 2014 there, as the 16,000 level continues to generate significant resistance. Inversely we are “finally” seeing constructive shorter term charts in JPY strengthening and possibly making the turn.

We all know what continued Yen strength suggests with respect to global appetite for risk right? I’ve been over it about a million times.

There’s really nothing you can do on days like these as this as the Kongdicator is a “hair away” from triggering “short risk ideas” but still not quite there. Knowing full well the Fed is still sitting across the table from us ( as well the Bank of Japan ) now is “still not the time” to jump into anything head first but…….the odds are increasingly in favor of correction.

We know BOJ is gonna print more in April so……in a broad / general sense it makes the most sense to me that “even the U.S Fed” could just as well “allow” markets to correct through the first quarter, all-knowing the printing presses will just crank back up late March.

Actually….it makes perfect sense to me. Get a well orchestrated “dip/correction” in now, with the obvious intention to just ” reinflate” right around the same time as the BOJ. Bring in new buyers on the dip, continue to pedal the “recovery story” and grab those last few stragglers that still have a couple bucks left in their accounts.

Yes yes you know it well….wash , rinse , repeat – wash , rinse repeat.

Very constructive moves in Yen, but still not enough to get me into the trade ( Kongdictor says we look at things in aprox 12 – 24 hours ). Watch for Tweets over the next day or two as I imagine we’ll get a trade signal initiated.

Otherwise…..zzzz…..zzzz….zzzz – wish there was more.

Safe Havens – Who Gets The Lions Share?

As a larger and more pronounced “correction in risk” draws near – we’ll likely get “on more” attempt at new highs – regardless of what’s already underway in currency markets.

It also looks pretty clear to me that this will line up “right on the money” with the ol standard correlation of weaker stocks = stronger dollar, or at least for the initial “zig” of the “soon to be created” series of lower highs and lower lows.

As per the last 6 – 8 months these “zigs n zags” will often see “inverse movement” on smaller time frames, as the “cross winds of influence” push and pull in a generally “confusing manner”.

Sounds like a bunch of hooey doesn’t it? Now try trading it.

To be honest – we really can’t say for certain how things will shake out when / if we do finally get our first “real and true” correction in risk, as it’s been so long, and so much has changed since last time.

For currency traders here’s a mind bender. Do not be surprised at all to see BOTH the Japanese Yen AS WELL the U.S Dollar rise TOGETHER. So if you see the currency pair USD/JPY moving lower – it means that JPY is rising MORE than USD – get it? I thought not.

Otherwise, as suggested by JSkogs ( reader / trader “profesionale”) consideration of where U.S Bonds will go, and of course Gold.

As all four of these assets ( JPY , USD , U.S Treasuries and Gold ) have all at one time or another represented “a play for safety” – it remains to be seen which will take the lions share, when indeed safety is sought.

I for one can’t see the U.S Bonds doing anything but “bouncing”, and am positive that the Japanese Yen will blow people’s faces off, if only for an incredible blast higher.

I’d “like to think” that any USD bounce will be short-lived ( and certainly not a macro change in trend ) and that Gold yes gold…….finally makes its turn.

It will be very interesting for those of us who’ve been trading markets prior to 2008 ( and I can only imagine for those who’ve been trading longer ) to see how this plays out.

I plan on it been equally profitable as well.

Thoughts welcome as always!

Bernanke Was Drunk – I Understood Everything

Well I’m pleased.

Still sounding like a someone scared half to death ( that little “quiver” in his voice ) Bernanke (clearly “buzzed”) fielded questions from some pretty sharp people this afternoon and frankly – I’m not sure if he answered a single one.

All the same I am pleased in that, it’s the first time I believe I’ve ever seen the man smile, or even show the tiniest bit of human emotion.

Can you even imagine how happy he must be? Carrying such a burden for so long, I seriously can’t imagine a comparative situation in my own life, where perhaps such “relief” may have been felt.

Here’s to you Ben! You gave us one hell of a ride! With enough twists n turns to give everyone “well their money’s worth”! Good luck to you Ben! All the best!

You won’t be missed.

A very interesting day out on the field today with the U.S Dollar pushing “about” as far as I’d be willing to see it before turning back for “just one more” fall. Have you seen the price of oil last 3 days as well? Wow….so who’s thinking that oil just tanks and the U.S Dollar shoots for the moon from here?

Not me……but I’ll tell you – we ARE getting very, very, very close to considerations of USD making a move higher, watching bond yields of course, then there’s that JPY and Nikkie oh….and don’t forget Gold! 

The following weeks promise to be very exciting. Have a good weekend everyone.