Oh no……what do you know.
I’ve seen a handful of news articles ( ironically out of the U.S ) this morning suggesting that “The Fed” will likely “guide down” with respect’s to future outlook on U.S economic growth. He he he….you’ve got to love coming from my point of view. You’ve really gotta love it.
The Fed….now “changing the language” ( well…duh…as we all know global growth is set to “slow” ) to reflect concerns of “lower than expected growth” to follow.
Do you feel that you’ve been duped? Do you feel angry?
Can you imagine that after 5.5 years of essentially “robbing you of your savings” ( via 0% interest ) as well as”rapidly devaluing” your currency, providing “a big fat zero” to job creation and economic growth AND blowing an enormous bubble in the stock market……
You’ll now enter recession?
You’ve got your head buried so deep in the sand that you don’t even realize that “the recession” never left. Only a brief “5 year soaking” of the “mom’s n pop’s” to keep those Wall St banks afloat a while longer.
Well…..no that your savings are gone…..now that the “little bit extra you thought you had” for stock investing is gone…..now that your job is gone…shit….now that your wife and kids are gone we might as throw in the fact that your hair has likely “left the building as well”.
What the f#%k are you gonna do now?
Hey! It’s America! Let me guess??
Please don’t say “join the army”….please no……please don’t say that.
War! War! ( southern twang ) What we Americans need is a damn war!! Let’s go to war dang it ! Mamma! Mamma! I wanna go to war!!
How many times do you need to see the same stupid Hollywood movie over and over,and over again?
Have you considered taking up arms against The Fed?