Pre Default – You Are 100% Gambling

I like to take a good punt “once in a while” just like the next guy.

When you’ve got your potential losses accounted for ( with a stop in place ) or if you’ve got that “little extra” in a secret trade account somewhere fine. You know what you’re doing. It’s fun. It keeps this from being entirely about “strategy and math” – and for many it also provides a “lil adrenaline” where possibly a “lil adrenaline” is needed.

You know you are gambling. No two ways about it. It’s a 100% complete gamble with such a macro “risk event” on the horizon.

Have fun with it. If you can afford to.

Now the question of the potential outcome “should” the U.S Government ( with absolutely no one else on the planet to blame other than themselves) actually push this “past” the deadline of Oct 17th ( which actually isn’t a deadline at all – but works for the purpose of this completely “self engineered stunt”) and actually default?

Even better question – what if they wait til the last-minute and then “don’t” make complete jack asses of themselves (only to do it a couple of weeks later), save the day, only to dig themselves a couple trillion deeper into the hole?

Either way – it’s a no win. Ooops…I digress – the post was about gambling.

It’s a joke. It’s an embarrassment. It’s 100% completely ridiculous ON TOP of ridiculous as…….potencial “global war” couldn’t do it……but single handedly the U.S Government will essentially “take itself” down. Unreal. And “not at all by design” eh? Gimme a break.


Regardless……if you think you’ve got a handle on markets these days ( which I seriously doubt) and have a couple extra dollars burning a hole in your pocket – go for it. Gamble away.

Question is  – What’s your angle then? You buying or selling on the news?


Bulls And Bears Make Money – Gorillas Make More

People say to me……. ” Ya ya Kong… you with all your “macro mumbo jumbo” ( yada, yada, yada ).

Damn it Kong! Just gimme a break, and tell me how to make some money today! I want to get rich today Kong! Today!


Short term traders need to learn a little more patience, while long-term investors need to get “a little more involved” with the day-to-day action no? The age-old sayings “you can’t have everything” or perhaps “the grass is always greener” certainly come to mind.

The entire concept / principals of “trading like a gorilla” wedges us “in between”, taking advantage of “all opportunities” regardless of what markets do cuz……(guess what??) MARKETS ARE GOING TO DO WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO NO MATTER WHAT!

We certainly can’t control that.

So let’s take a quick look at today…..and consider that U.S equities rallied I dunno… “to the moon” in a single afternoon! To the moon Kong! The moon you ass! Everything is going up ! Up! Up! Damn you Kong! I just want to get rich and go live on a beach! What the hell is going on down there? I need to get rich! Now!

He he he……Everyone needs to just calm down, take a deep breath, understand that it’s just another day and take it for what it is.

Start looking “ahead” as opposed to “dealing with the present” and things will get a lot easier.

For some it might be interesting to note – I sold out this morning well early and in advance of this “massive run up in risk assets” missing what some might imagine as “an incredible opportunity to make money” though oddly…….every single thing I track / monitor suggests that I didn’t miss a thing.

If you where fortunate enough to “pick a stock” and take advantage of this short covering rally I commend you although – we all know what really happened today.

Bulls and bears both got taken to the cleaners.

2014 – You Will Never Trade It

Ironically ( and in light of yesterday’s post “seen here first” ) overnight, both China and Japan have now publicly warned that the U.S better get its act together pronto.

As well (and again, I’ve got no crystal ball down here….only Mayan Shamans) The IMF (The International Monetary Fund) has now released the following:

“World growth will be slower than expected this year and next, and will take another big hit if the U.S. fails to resolve its debt drama, the International Monetary Fund warned Tuesday”.

“The IMF cut its 2013 global growth forecast by 0.3% to 2.9%.”

In other news ( not like you’ll see it on your local T.V ) China’s growth forecasts “specifically” have also been reduced.

Getting the message anyone????

Are you getting the message?

Zoom out and take a look at the next couple years, pull out your tin foil hats and get your shopping carts tuned up. 5 years worth of incessant money printing / stimulus, stocks “inflated beyond belief” and NO RECOVERY!

The normal business cycle ( which has been the same for generations ) has been stretched ,pulled , manipulated , extended “past” what we’d normally call “normal” and it’s time my friends……it’s time to get real.

I’m open to discussion as to “what the hell” to do about it, but the bottom line is – silver clouds / hope / faith / positivity / good attitude doesn’t pay the bills.

Start thinking “seriously” as to where you can look to tighten.

For your reading pleasure:

I Read Dr. Paul Roberts – Credibility Beyond

While “penning” the previous post I looked to my girlfriend for a bit of advice.

On occasion it’s been suggested here at the blog that I try to “lighten up a bit” and perhaps try to stay “a bit more positive”. With this in mind, I feel that several months have gone by where my writing in general has been at least “moderately up beat”, and that I’ve done a “reasonable job” as to not get “too down” on any one thing in particular.

I don’t think it’s a secret for anyone reading here, that I struggle with the situation in the United States. I got involved with Forex as to my interests in “all things global” and in this case how “money” plays a role. The fact that the United States holds the world’s “current” reserve currency presents me with a bit of a conundrum as I’m not particularly interested in “American culture”.

Not to say it’s not great, only that – for me…….I would far rather “Bolivia” had reserve status as I could at least “learn something new ” here day to day.

I find the day-to-day situation in the U.S as the number one element in trading forex, that I would much rather “do without”. It’s not interesting and it’s certainly not “fun”. It can’t be ignored mind you – but it’s certainly a drag.

My girlfriend suggested that I “go easy” and of course  – respect the valued readers that take the time to show their support here at the blog and…….yes of course, I truly DO value the readership and by no means want to “get down” on the U.S.

Then it occurred to me….perhaps I should introduce readers to one of the few “other people” I actually take the time to read. I showed Laura. She changed her tune.

Ladies and gentleman I am proud to introduce the critically acclaimed Dr. Paul Roberts.

If you think I might consider biting my tongue on occasion ( likely never gonna happen) I encourage you to not only read but BOOKMARK Dr. Roberts home page, as President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, not to mention his time as associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal.

Dr Roberts “has” the credibility to back such strong opinions.

Me I’m just a gorilla.

Kong Weighs In – The American Ponzi Continues

It absolutely pains me to no end,  but (as the planet’s financial blog space  is currently “a fire with debate”) I guess I should at least “weigh in” on the debt ceiling issue – and the consideration of a U.S default.

This most certainly IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

These bozos have sunk “gazillions of dollars” into this “pseudo recovery” driving their currency into the ground. They’ve attempted to start wars , cleaned out retirement savings accounts and spent more time in bed with the “boys on wall street” than the average Ukrainian hooker living in NY.

There is not a single chance in hell they would jeopardize “what’s already hanging by a thread” over some little “tug of war” over a couple more 1’s and 0’s. Impossible.

Of all things they can ( and will ) continue to screw up – any “further knock to the credibility of the U.S” and it’s currency / ability to pay its bills IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

You see – as sad a state of affairs it is in the U.S ( domestically speaking ) the “global situation” has deteriorated far worse. The bond auction hall is empty (short of Ben and his “magic suit case”) and countries “planet wide” have been diversifying “out” of US Dollar reserves on a scale not seen before in the history of man.

The “Petro Dollar” at risk , the East growing stronger by the day…….now’s not the time for something so “meaningless” to make any larger a fool of the U.S.

Wasn’t Syria enough?

The entire planet stands to benefit from the continuation of the “American Ponzi Scheme” , so be assured –  those so close to the action won’t be letting it slide any time soon.

Forex Repositioning – Booking Profits

I’ve cleared the deck for a return of just over 600 pips since the posted trades some days ago.

Please keep in mind that several of those trades where held for almost an entire month  – through “this entire mess”. To realize profits / gains such as these during a time of such “market madness” takes considerable confidence in one’s market view and longer term ideas.

Mind you – holding several of these for the duration was no easy task, but as you recall – I was postioned for “risk off” several days “before” we saw the slide. Now a full 10 days down in SP/ U.S equities.

Where do we go from here?

It’s not looking good for “risk in general” – but of course “these days” markets celebrate when the U.S dodges bullets so….the outcome here “could just as easily” go either way right?

The uncertainty surrounding this shut down / debt ceiling talks etc leading up to Oct 17th is beyond and kind of standard “market analysis”, but I’m leaning towards “the longer this goes on – the worse it’s gonna get”.

How am I positioning?

Nearly 100% cash now, after taking full advantage of all long JPY trades, as well several other “risk off”related trades – I am now eyeing the U.S Dollar for the face ripper.

As we know “nothing moves in a straight line for long” in forex markets – what’s the worse case looking at smaller orders across the board with a “Long USD” theme.

EUR as well GBP looking ripe by the day….as the commods flounder around somewhere in the middle.

Short Humanity – Long Interplanetary Travel

If you haven’t ripped most of the hair from your head “yet” today…..there’s still plenty of time left. Hey! I hear that we even get a chance to see “OBomba” on the T.V! But of course we do as… just can’t have a couple “down days in row” without the President of the United States getting out there and sticking his nose in it. Ridiculous.

Does anyone here remember a time when “financial markets where financial markets” and the government was the government?

Weren’t those the days.

So I’ve put off the “analysis of all things relevant” as……seriously  – what’s the point?

What can one possibly consider “analyzing” in an environment / market this far off the rails?

I’ll be up on the rooftop “tinkering with my spaceship” with little “short-term” information to share.

If you’re interested in some of my long-term ideas….the title says it all.


Forex Kong: currently holding – short humanity – long interplanetary travel.

Trading October – Through Gorilla Eyes

It was meant in jest as last Sunday’s post may have pissed a couple of people off.

Now in retrospect – 8 straight days “down in risk” and the “warning” doesn’t look half bad no?. In any case…..we’re smack dab in the middle of “yet another” challenging scenario for both bulls and bears alike.

It’s hard to get “overly optimistic” when the U.S Government can’t “govern” a sack of wet mice let alone themselves…let alone the largest consumer economy on the planet. Yet there’s still “Uncle Ben” lurking in the shadows, printing press in hand, there to “save the day” should things get “too far off track”. Talk about a gong show – and an extremely difficult environment to evaluate / makes sense of…let alone trade.

Every fundamental bone in your body itching to “short this thing into the ground” – while every Central Bank on the planet keep stacking their chips higher, higher and higher.

One thing we can say with certainty is that “this thing is gonna end really, really badly for a lot of people” as we are so far off the reservation now – there’s absolutely no chance of a happy ending. No chance.

What’s October looking like from a gorilla’s perspective?

I don’t waffle, and I don’t make “safe market calls” in order to stay credible. Frankly I generally don’t muck around “much” with intermediate type market calls” as I’m both macro – and micro.

What happens “in the middle” under the current market conditions is exactly what is “supposed to happen” when a significant turn / area has been reached. Confusion , indecision , sideways , churn , chop , grind. Call it what you want – it’s “by design” that accounts get blasted, nerves stretch, blood pressures rise – and traders / investors are pushed to the limit.

We need to look at the dollar (obviously) as well stocks and gold. Bonds fit in there too don’t forget so…..a look at “all things relevant” to follow – through gorilla eyes.

USD Face Ripper – Caution Ahead

I’m not sure how “or why” I came up with it. Perhaps something in a dream or maybe something I read – I can’t remember.

Face Ripper ( as per Kong ) : A ridiculous move in the price of a given asset, when the complete and total “opposite” move is expected.

I know it sounds gross. And….essentially “it is” gross but…….. at least it gets the point across.

One day you’re making a trade, and feeling good, confident , “safe”. Next day – Boom….No face.

Wether or not it happens in a day or a week…or a month for that matter – this thing is setting up for an epic move. The overall complacency in markets is downright irresponsible, and reflects an investment environment that is so far “up in the in clouds” that a “trip back to Earth” is most certainly in the cards.


As most traders don’t truly understand the larger “macro” reasons as to why the U.S Dollar “rises” when things look to be at their worst….this is most certainly the case. Every penny that has been invested in assets / converted to other currencies in emerging markets ( as to make larger returns / gains ) comes flooding back into USD on the “slightest indication” that the party is over.


Enough said. This “gov shut down circus” is only the first act….as we’ve got several more to go.


Forex Strategies For Investors – Timing

I can’t help but say….I’m a little choked.

We’ve been over a number of key points here, when considering “taking a trade”, and now turn our focus to “making an investment” as essentially – a completely separate topic.

Anyone care to hazard a guess,  at one of the most important factors affecting each?

Hey! You got it!

Timing! Timing! Timing!

You can have all the fundamental knowledge in the world, as well possess the “ultimate technical know how” yet, if your timing sucks……………….sorry to say – you are sh/#&t outta luck.

Anyone making an “investment decision” without (at least ) “some” understanding or awareness of the “possible downside or risk” might as well just sign their account over to the brokerage and wait for the call – letting you know your account has been reduced to zero!

Have you lost your mind? With absolutely “no plan” for the “downside” what you are essentially saying to me is ” I bought a stock, and expect it to go up, up , up , and continue going up forever”.

Or at least….that’s what your broker told you, and believe me – he won’t be calling you to let you know anything otherwise.

Again – have you lost your mind?

This “isn’t investing” as clearly – the landscape has changed. Your broker and your bank are your enemy, and will stop at nothing to see you and your hard-earned nest egg “parted” as readily as possible.

This is 2013 people! You have the entire planet’s libraries at the push of a button!

If you can’t make an investment decision based in your “own knowledge” of a given asset’s performance over time ( and in turn “some idea” of its peaks and valleys / areas of support and resistance) then WTF?

How can you see an area to take profits? How would you know an area to “cut your losses” should things go “that far” against you?

How can you honestly say you’ve got “any idea at all” as to what you’re even involved with – short of putting your entire “nest egg/investment dollars etc ” into the hands of an institution whose soul goal is to extract it from you?


More on timing next…………