So I’ve finally stepped out of the jungle ( all be it concrete these past few years ) and made my way back to the beach, and it feels great. Life as it should be with birds chirping, ants crawling and the renewed sense that…. all will be O.K. It’s been quite some time since I’ve bothered to post, as Covid ran it’s course and the wonderful world of crypto currencies finally hit it’s stride.
I may be a little rusty = forgive me in advance.
As you may recall back some 4 years ago – I may have suggested it a good idea to grab yourself a bitcoin or two, and that we would “never” see these levels again. Well….here we are. I haven’t sold a single thing.
So what would you say if I suggested that “once again” we find ourselves at a time and place where Bitcoin and the “entire crypto currency sector” will defy the odds, quiet the “nay sayers” and double / triple / 5X over the next coming years? Lemme guess…’s a scam right?
When entire countries are now moving to accept crypto as legal tender, when every second advert on CNBC / Bloomberg is for another crypto card / ETF / fund, when public traded companies such as Coinbase trade on the New York Stock Exchange what? It’s a scam right?
Maybe you live in a tent, behind a shed, behind your grandparents trailer.
Aside from the current adoption rate of crypto currency “dramatically eclipsing” that of the internet ( you remember when there WAS NO INTERNET? ) the timing / entry here comes along side the absolute MAX PAIN we are currently seeing in my ol friend…you guessed it – The U.S Dollar, now at unsustainable levels and banging it’s head on 103.50.
When USD rolls over here in coming days – you are gonna see something incredible, and I will “once again” be here to give you shit about not taking advantage.
Don’t make the same mistake twice….I implore you. Your grand kids will thank you – of that you can be certain.
Stunning gold and silver intercepts in its most recent announcements!
To move these discoveries forward, one of the world’s leading mine development companies is now on location, pushing ahead of a planned production launch this year!
Company reports multiple intercepts yielding incredible gold and silver mineralization…as much as ten-times higher than cut-off grades!
One intercept logged an astonishing 216g/ton Au assay believed to mark a potential million-ounce vein!
These recent exploration intercepts come on top of its previously disclosed half-million-ounce gold equivalent resource!
Independent (NI43-101) analysis puts the company’s pre-exploration net present value at $212 million…that’s over 2.5-times current market cap!
A recent $10 million private placement locked down capital resources for advanced exploration, resource development and commencement of mining activity by Q4 2021!
There’s still time to get in on a bonanza…this could be among the biggest finds in decades!
If you’re looking for a record-setting growth opportunity, then get started on this now!
An Urgent Note to All Growth Oriented Investors:
Don’t let this one get by you. There’s still time to act.
Gold Mountain shares have already climbed around 80% this year as news of its progress spreads. But with these recent exploration results the current trading range could be simply a launch point!
Now is the time to investigate the potential. Gold Mountain remains at entry-level prices, yet for now still remains under the radar. That can’t last long…especially now that JDS Mining is on site moving forward with a mine development plan.
JDSMining signals the early-entry opportunity. Now is the time to act!
JDS is one of the biggest, most respected mine engineering firms in the world. It reports dozens of mining operations underway worldwide, covering North and South America as well as Africa and Australia. For this company to be on site at Gold Mountain’sElk GoldProject speaks volumes to the potential. Don’t overlook what this means.
Resource investors follow JDS like hungry puppy dogs looking for early-entry opportunities. Their presence on the Gold Mountain project indicates something big may be on the way, and that makes this an especially urgent opportunity.
Could Gold Mountain Mining be on the brink of a breakout?
If so, the launch could trace out a rocket trajectory!
Exploration companies on the threshold of major discoveries can yield stunning gains when you catch them early. Triple-digit, even quadruple-digit gains are not uncommon. That’s why getting started on your due diligence into Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) is so urgent. You want to be in front of this as news gets out and most importantly, before the company begins gold (and silver) production.
How big could this get to be? It can be stunning!
Early Great Bear investors pocketed over 1,600% gains!
Here’s what happened in similar circumstances. Shareholders made fortunes from companies like Great Bear Resources that rocketed from around $1 to over $16 as news of its growing resource base was made public!
Another example, Kodiak Mining shot up over 600% on its own Canadian gold and copper discoveries! Hopefully, you get the idea. Companies like these can be massive money-makers!
By bringing in JDS Mining to begin pre-feasibility work, Gold Mountain signaled aggressive, advanced-stage development of its Elk Gold Project in British Columbia.
Don’t ignore this signal…it could make a fortune for you!
Act quickly though. Gold Mountain management reports it could be producing gold before the end of this year. They’re making substantial progress toward that goal:
Gold Mountain has locked in mining costs with a very well established first-nation majority owned mining contractor. This contractor is scheduled to begin work later this year and will provide all transport services for the delivery of gold ore to the buyer.
Gold Mountain locked in an ore purchase contract with a major $1.4b market cap buyer. Under the terms of the contract, Gold Mountain controls the scale and assay labs for evaluating ore prior to delivery and once delivered will receive payment within 17 days.
Gold Mountain intends to begin mining site preparation work in early May, building new roads, upgrading water management, site facilities and commencing waste rock removal in preparation for ore recovery. This is important because when the mining permit arrives, ore recovery can begin immediately with revenue flow quickly following.
These are largely surface mine development activities. In the same time frame, JDS will be on site engineering and planning for commencement of underground mining that targets the Elk Gold Project below surface resource potential. Once underground ore recovery is launched, Gold Mountain expects to see a significant increase in the scale of production and resource calculations that can accrue to shareholder value.
As for current shareholder value, Gold Mountain may already be significantly underpriced.
The company reports a half million ounces of gold resources already located…yet its stock still trades at roughly one-third of the pre-tax net present value (NPV) of those resources.
That valuation comes directly from an independent 43-101 report filed last year and investors have taken notice…shares have been climbing steadily since Q3 last year.
On 10/31/2020, Gold Mountain Mining was trading at 46¢ Canadian. As of 3/31/21, shares rose hit $1.28, though some early profit trading triggered a buy opportunity that you can take advantage of today! Most important, this appears to be just getting started. For comparison, Great Bear Resources launched from around a dollar and eventually cracked $16!
Clearly, an investor looking to profit from this discovery should act without delay.
Should this trend favorably, it could mean big gains for early shareholders. Despite currently trading as a low-priced-stock junior, Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) has launched operations well ahead of a typical of early-stage junior.
They already know there’s gold in the ground…and lots of it.
Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) reports that thanks to previous exploration and mine results, over a half million ounces gold resources are reported at the Elk Gold Project site.
These kind of resource figures are almost unheard of among entry-level junior gold companies.
Now, following recently announced exploration results, it appears that half-million ounces could be just a starting point.
On March 10, the company announced results from its Phase 1 Drill Program. (Now published on the company website.) The numbers were extraordinary. From a cut-off grade of 0.9 grams/ton gold (Au), assays on over 39 meters of core averaged 4.99g/t gold assays…over five-and-one-half-times cut-off grade!
While it is too early to make resource estimates from these data, experienced geologists are seeing signs that this could be a million-ounce deposit or greater!
This is why a world-class mine engineering company like JDS was quick to move on site. The potential here appears to have enormous financial implications that could, as this plays out, substantially multiply a Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) shareholder’s long-term gains!
Keep in mind, junior exploration companies rarely have the talent and cash to go beyond discovery.
That’s just not the case here. The fact that JDS is now on site and that $10 million has just been raised to proceed with site development sends urgent signals to consider the investment potential in Gold Mountain without delay.
If you are looking for outsized profit opportunity in gold, it doesn’t get more promising than this.
Important Note: Information on past production is pulled from the Elk Gold Technical Report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) on the Elk Gold Project” dated September 21, 2020, effective July 3, 2020 and filed on Freeform Capital Partner Inc.’s SEDAR profile on
The Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN)Preliminary Economic Assessment (available now through the company website) for the Elk Gold Project projects the company in positive cash flow within a month of launching mining operations.
This is not a pipe dream. The company is well financed through that $10 million private placement to carry through with its plans for gold production. If things go as charted, Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) could be selling gold ore concentrate in Q4, 2021, which is why Gold Mountain shares today could be hugely undervalued in context with the company’s 2021 development plans.
Now is the time to get started on Gold Mountain. With a massive $10 million private placement already on the books, everything is on track for gold revenue to begin flowing Q4, 2021.
Could you profit from this news? Absolutely!
However, the opportunity to grab a ground floor position may be fleeting. With a $10 million equity deal in the books and 500,000 ounces of gold resources in the ground, Gold Mountain is not likely to remain off-radar much longer.
As soon as equipment starts rolling in and groundwork gets underway, investors who closely follow British Columbia gold and silver mining projects could come swooping in. You can anticipate that share prices move rapidly through 2021 as resource updates and mining activity reports are released.
Now is the time to get in front of this and here’s where to start with your due diligence.
Go to the company website. Register your email address. Stay ahead of the news.
Here’s another reason why Gold Mountain Mining’sElk Gold Project could rocket at any time now.
It sits in British Columbia’s prolific gold-bearing geology…surrounded by ongoing exploration and mining!
To provide perspective over the abundance of valuable minerals being found in the Elk Gold region, the nearby Brenda Mine prolifically produced over decades, totaling:[1]
278,000 tonnes of Copper
66,000 tonnes of Molybdenum
125 tonnes of Silver
2 tonnes of Gold
This is just a piece of the gold mining activity that permeates the entire British Columbia province. Since the first gold rush in the latter part of the 1800s, at least 24 separate gold rushes have been recorded in British Columbia.[2] It has only been in recent years with soaring gold prices and modernized mining techniques has gold mining resurged.
Many of the prospects that abound in British Columbia have a solid history of exploration activity and resource calculation.
The Elk Gold Project stands out, not just for its current resources, but for its history. Mining on the site dates back to 1992 when 51,000 ounces of gold was produced…worth nearly $100 million at today’s gold price. But in the 90s, gold traded under $390/ounce…roughly one-fourth what it trades at today. Untold resources in gold were left in the ground as being uneconomical to produce.
The Elk Gold Project is a fully developed mine site with close access to essential infrastructure, supplies and labor. Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN)reports that the site can be brought into production very quickly and at relatively low cost compared to other sites where surface development is not nearly as advanced.
Fast forward to 2021 and its an entirely different picture. Gold trades over $1,950/ounce and mining technology is light years ahead of three decades ago.
Mining at Elk Gold is not only economical now…it could be wildly profitable.
On top of the 500,000 ounces in known resources, the exploration potential at the Elk Gold Project could yield millions more ounces in future discoveries, plus other metals like silver, molybdenum, and copper.
The exploration potential at the Elk Gold Project has only begun. This region in British Columbia is already well known for its potential for significant recoveries of gold, silver and other valuable metals. Geologists and the investors behind Gold Mountain believe much more remains to be discovered at the Elk Gold Project site. Private investment has already put up $10 million to prove it!
With mining production scheduled for Q4 of 2021, Gold Mountain management projects it will generate sufficient free cash flow off gold sales to pursue aggressive development exploration into 2022. This could be hugely significant for an early Gold Mountain investor who adopts a buy-and-hold strategy.
And there’s the key…get started with your due diligence now. This could be a massive, wealth-building win for your portfolio.
The provincial government of British Columbia reports that is is “a national leader in mining and mineral production. B.C. has vast deposits of copper, molybdenum, gold, silver, lead, zinc and more than 30 industrial minerals.”Source
You can access a free download of Gold Mountain Mining’s current 59-page investor presentation deck here.
Get started with a visit to the company website. Download Gold Mountain’scurrent Elk Gold Project Presentation Deck for an in-depth look into the company’s development plans.
This is the same deck that was presented for securing the $10 million in private placement funding! It’s a must-read for any potential investor! It’s packed with valuable information and important disclaimers that are essential for any prudent investment decision.
While on site, be sure to register your email address for future news and updates.
Consider contacting your broker to put Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) on your watch list. In fact, consider getting some skin in the game while Gold Mountain shares continue to trade at what could be a fraction of its long-term potential.
Most important, don’t set this aside. British Columbia is being scoured for investment opportunities by aggressive resource investors. Gold Mountain remains off-radar, but that could end at any time.
Here are six important facts to keep in mind as you start your research.
Gold Mountain Mining’sElk Gold Project kicks off with 500,000 ounces of gold resources already quantified.
The company is well-financed with $10 million to carry it through to its gold production target date of Q4, 2021.
The company has aligned itself with strategic partners to create cost certainty in their mining, hauling and ore purchase processes.
The company’s Preliminary Economic Assessment (published in the investor deck) projects free cash flow within one-month of first gold production, which self-funds ongoing exploration activity.
This region of British Columbia has a long history of prolific mining activity and is now in the midst of a modern day gold mining resurgence. Additional exploration at the Elk Gold Project could greatly multiply its resource figures and future gold production, which would accelerate shareholder value.
Unlike other junior gold opportunities… Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) plans to fully develop the potential of the Elk Gold Project by carrying through to mine production. This accrues the full value of all discovered resources to shareholder value!
JDS Mining, one of the world’s leading mine development and engineering company is already on site doing the pre-feasibility work that precedes mining activity. JDS’s presence at the Elk Gold Project greatly elevates the project’s visibility to resource investors. Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN)could already be lighting up radar screens!
Get started now…this could be one of the biggest wealth-building opportunities you can find in the market today. Go now to:
A modern day Canadian gold rush has triggered multiple 10-fold++ charts in new gold and copper country!
The profits have been stunning and there’s still opportunity to get in front of a trend that has investors pouring into Canadian elephant country!
Early Great Bear investors pocketed over 1,600% gains!
Shareholders already made fortunes from companies like Great Bear Resources that rocketed from around $1 to over $16 in just two years!
This was no fluke. Kodiak Mining shot up over 600% on recent Canadian gold and copper discoveries as did XXXX Mining, which just hit a ten bagger for its early-in shareholders!
Did you miss these early starters? Well, don’t miss this one.
British Columbia has emerged as an epicenter for what’s become a modern day gold rush into western Canada. Millions of ounces of gold have already been discovered…and the resource figures are still climbing. Investors securing early positions are pocketing fortunes and this rush is not over yet.
You can still get in on this. Here’s an advanced development prospect that could post huge gains for investors who act now.
Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) has moved aggressively on the advanced-stage Elk Gold Project in British Columbia. You should act quickly on this one because this project could be producing gold within four quarters.
What makes this so promising is that Gold Mountain has taken over this project with a half million ounces of gold resources already located…yet the company’s stock still trades as if it were an early stage junior just starting at exploration.
As of 10/31/2020, Gold Mountain Mining was trading at a paltry 46¢ Canadian!
This can’t last long. An investor looking to profit from this discovery should act on this news without delay.
The Elk Gold Project has been off-radar for years, but now that Gold Mountain Mining (TSX:V: GMTN)has moved on site, this project is staged for sensational results as news is released that could fuel rapid share price movement.
Should this trend favorably, it could mean big gains for early shareholders. Despite currently trading as a low-priced-stock junior, Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) has launched operations well ahead of a typical of early-stage junior.
They already know there’s gold in the ground…and lots of it.
Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) reports that thanks to previous exploration and mine results, over a half million ounces gold resources are reported at the Elk Gold Project site.
These kind of resource figures are almost unheard of among entry-level junior gold companies.
If valued as reserves, those resources could reasonably put the mineral valuation of this prospect 10-times what Gold Mountain trades at today. The reason this is possible…and this is critical to understanding this unique opportunity…Gold Mountainis planning on producing gold by the end of 2021!
This has enormous financial implications that can substantially multiply a Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) shareholder’s long-term gains!
Keep in mind, junior exploration companies rarely have the talent and cash to go beyond discovery. Exploration juniors simply prove what gold is in the ground, then sell out to the mining producers who buy the unmined assets at a fraction of the prevailing gold price.
With gold at around $1,950, an ounce of gold in the ground may be worth only $50/ounce to a buyout prospect.
With gold at around $1,950, an ounce of gold in the ground may be worth only $50/ounce to a buyout prospect.
But, when that gold is mined and brought to surface, it can be priced at full value! That can be a huge multiplier to shareholder value!
Important Note: Information on past production is pulled from the Elk Gold Technical Report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) on the Elk Gold Project” dated September 21, 2020, effective July 3, 2020 and filed on Freeform Capital Partner Inc.’s SEDAR profile on September 24, 2020.
If you are looking for outsized profit opportunity in gold, it doesn’t get more promising than this.
Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN)Preliminary Economic Assessment (available now through the company website) for the Elk Gold Project projects the company in positive cash flow within a month of launching mining operations.
This is not a pipe dream. The company is well financed through private equity to carry through with its plans for gold production. If things go as charted, Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) could be selling gold ore concentrate in Q4, 2021, which is why Gold Mountain shares today could be hugely undervalued in context with the company’s 2021 development plans.
Now is the time to get started on Gold Mountain. With a massive $10 million private placement already on the books, everything is on track for gold revenue to begin flowing Q4, 2021.
Could you profit from this news? Absolutely!
However, the opportunity to grab a ground floor position may be fleeting. With a $10 million equity deal in the books and 500,000 ounces of gold resources in the ground, Gold Mountain is not likely to remain off-radar much longer.
As soon as equipment starts rolling in and groundwork gets underway, investors who are already focused on this modern day British Columbia gold rush could come swooping in. You can anticipate that share prices move rapidly through 2021 as resource updates and mining activity reports are released.
Now is the time to get in front of this and here’s where to start with your due diligence.
Go to the company website. Register your email address. Stay ahead of the news.
Here’s another reason why Gold Mountain Mining’s Elk Gold Project could rocket at any time now.
It sits in British Columbia’s prolific gold-bearing geology…surrounded by ongoing exploration and mining!
To provide perspective over the abundance of valuable minerals being found in the Elk Gold region, the nearby Brenda Mine prolifically produced over decades, totalling:[1]
278,000 tonnes of Copper
66,000 tonnes of Molybdenum
125 tonnes of Silver
2 tonnes of Gold
This is just a piece of the gold mining activity that permeates the entire British Columbia province. Since the first gold rush in the latter part of the 1800s, at least 24 separate gold rushes have been recorded in British Columbia.[2] It has only been in recent years with soaring gold prices and modernized mining techniques has gold mining resurged.
Many of the prospects that abound in British Columbia have a solid history of exploration activity and resource calculation.
The Elk Gold project stands out, not just for its current resources, but for its history. Mining on the site dates back to 1992 when 51,000 ounces of gold was produced…worth nearly $100 million at today’s gold price. But in the 90s, gold traded under $390/ounce…roughly one-fourth what it trades at today. Untold resources in gold were left in the ground as being uneconomical to produce.
The Elk Gold Project is a fully developed mine site with close access to essential infrastructure, supplies and labor. Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) reports that the site can be brought into production very quickly and at relatively low cost compared to other sites where surface development is not nearly as advanced.
Fast forward to 2021 and its an entirely different picture. Gold trades over $1,950/ounce and mining technology is light years ahead of three decades ago.
Mining at Elk Gold is not only economical now…it could be wildly profitable.
On top of the 500,000 ounces in known resources, the exploration potential at the Elk Gold Project could yield millions more ounces in future discoveries, plus other metals like silver, molybdenum, and copper.
The exploration potential at the Elk Gold Project has only begun. This region in British Columbia is already well known for its potential for significant recoveries of gold, silver and other valuable metals. Geologists and the investors behind Gold Mountain believe much more remains to be discovered at the Elk Gold Project site. Private investment has already put up $10 million to prove it!
With mining production scheduled for Q4 of 2021, Gold Mountain management projects it will generate sufficient free cash flow off gold sales to pursue aggressive development exploration into 2022. This could be hugely significant for an early Gold Mountain investor who adopts a buy-and-hold strategy.
The provincial government of British Columbia reports that is is “a national leader in mining and mineral production. B.C. has vast deposits of copper, molybdenum, gold, silver, lead, zinc and more than 30 industrial minerals.”Source
And there’s the key…get started with your due diligence now. This could be a massive, wealth-building win for your portfolio.
You can access a free download of Gold Mountain Mining’s current 59-page investor presentation deck here.
Get started with a visit to the company website. Download Gold Mountain’s October, 2020 Elk Gold Project Presentation Deck for an in-depth look into the company’s project development plans.
This is the same deck that was presented for securing the $10 million in private placement funding! It’s a must-read for any potential investor! It’s packed with valuable information and important disclaimers that are essential for any prudent investment decision.
While on site, be sure to register your email address for future news and updates.
Consider contacting your broker to put Gold Mountain Mining on your watch list. In fact, consider getting some skin in the game while Gold Mountain shares continue to trade at what could be a fraction of its long-term potential.
Most important, don’t set this aside. British Columbia is being scoured for investment opportunities by aggressive resource investors. Gold Mountain remains off-radar, but that could end at any time.
Here are five important facts to keep in mind as you start your research.
The company is well-financed with $10 million to carry it through to its gold production target date of Q4, 2021.
The company’s Preliminary Economic Assessment (published in the investor deck) projects free cash flow within one-month of first gold production, which self-funds ongoing exploration activity.
This region of British Columbia has a long history of prolific mining activity and is now in the midst of a modern day gold mining resurgence. Additional exploration at the Elk Gold Project could greatly multiply its resource figures and future gold production, which would accelerate shareholder value.
Unlike other junior gold opportunities…Gold Mountain Mining (TSX.V: GMTN) plans to fully develop the potential of the Elk Gold Project by carrying through to mine production. This accrues the full value of all discovered resources to shareholder value!
Get started now…this could be one of the biggest wealth-building opportunities you can find in the market today.
With May’s Bitcoin halving event drawing ever closer, Coinbase recently took to pushing the “Bitcoin as digital gold” narrative. In a tweet-storm to promote an accompanying blog-post published Feb. 7, it covered the key reasons why the halving and subsequent supply rate reduction will further cement that link.
btc gold
Scarcity creates value
Since the gold standard was broken in 1971, the dollar’s value has declined and gold’s value, in dollar terms, has risen over 4000%. Gold has more value than similar metals such as copper due to its relative scarcity and difficulty to acquire.
Bitcoin has been designed to be scarce like gold and is very difficult to acquire through the Proof-of-Work process of mining. However, it also has an advantage over gold in being transferable through a communications channel.
Coinbase concluded:
“Armed with a myriad of technological advantages, accelerating development, and maturing global market, Bitcoin is a store of value to rival gold in the digital age.”
Halving increases scarcity
The supply of Bitcoin is limited by design, with new tokens being minted as a reward every time a block of transactions is mined. The initial reward level of 50 BTC per block has already undergone two halving events, bringing it down to the current 12.5 BTC per block.
After the May 2020 halving, mining rewards for each new block, mined approximately every ten minutes, will reduce to 6.25 BTC. This will bring the supply issuance of Bitcoin to a rate of around 1.7% per annum.
Stock-to-flow (S2F) is a measure of new supply rate over total supply, and post-halving, Bitcoin’s S2F scarcity will be on a par with gold’s.
“Gold’s stock to flow is higher than any other metal commodity, and bitcoin is set to soon follow,” notes Coinbase.
Why Bitcoin Has Value
No value without demand
S2F forecasts for the price will fail if there is no demand, and this holds true for fiat money, as much as any other commodity. As central banks increase the money supply, economies can sometimes prosper. However, if money supply overwhelms demand then hyperinflation events can occur.
Such events drive demand for safe havens such as gold and Bitcoin, and recent economic fear is reaching all-time highs, according to the Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index.
This, along with Bitcoin’s myriad of technological advances and accelerating development, justifies Bitcoin’s title as digital gold, according to Coinbase.
Me? I couldn’t agree more.
Ask yourself this……how many millennials will “ever” “EVER” consider buying Gold?
Depending on your general trade knowledge, you may or may not consider “gaps in charts” as being significant but….
You need to understand this.
Let’s have a look at Apple for an example:
Gaps Get Filled So Order Book Reconciles
You can cleary see the small “gap” in the price chart back in Feb.
Gaps are areas on a chart where the price of a stock (or another financial instrument) moves sharply up or down, with little or no trading in between. As a result, the asset’s chart shows a gap in the normal price pattern.
Orders that have been placed in this general “price zone” are essentially caught up in the system so when a stock price gap is observed, by a chance of 91.4% it will get filled in the future. In layman’s terms, 9 in 10 gaps get filled; not always, but pretty close.
Now that the gap “has been filled” in both Apple’s chart as well the Naz in general….the door is essentially “totally wide open” for prices to “now fall”.
This “bounce” has been epic but make no mistake….now that Naz gaps are filled, these 5 big stocks( FAANG) that are essentially “driving this bounce” ( thru buy backs / not true retail investing ) can roll over on the realities of coming earnings news. = the most horrible print any of these will ever report.
Every investor group on the planet knows that global GDP, is gonna print some of the worst numbers in our lifetimes in the coming quarter. The stock market is now just machines, as essentially 80% of America is flat busted…let alone the government.
Hold or sell? You know where I’m at. If you’ve weathered this storm or even better…made good on this bounce – my hat goes off to you. Truly incredible you all should be very proud.
If you want to hold on to any of the gains… would be a good time to do so.
Have you ever followed / watched the charts on the Wilshire 500?
What the hell “is” the Wilshire 500?
The Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index, or more simply the Wilshire 5000, is a market-capitalization-weighted index of the market value of all US-stocks actively traded in the United States.
As of December 31, 2019, the index contained 3,473 components.
The index is intended to measure the performance of most publicly traded companies headquartered in the United States, with readily available price data, (Bulletin Board/penny stocks and stocks of extremely small companies are excluded). Hence, the index includes a majority of the common stocks and REITs traded primarily through New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, or the American Stock Exchange. Limited partnerships and ADRs are not included.
It can be tracked by following the ticker W5000.
A look at the current status:
Wilshire 5000 Index
It’s fair to say that “stock picking” during this tenuous time can be “extremely difficult” whether you are looking to get short OR remain long…..
Sometime a wider view of “macro markets” can give you a better idea as to “where we are at”….as traders have a tendency to get “tunnel vision” on a specific stock or two…then grow frustrated in not understanding the “broader market trends”.
At this point it’s fair to say that the macro damage to this chart will take considerable time to repair. We’ve now retraced a good 50 – 68% of the entire fall, and things finally appear to be stalling out.
Bulls are gonna need “a whole lot more squiggles” to even consider this a “V Shaped Recovery”.
Most of the “good news” is now cooked in with the Fed in full effect, and the tech companies first quarter earnings done ( short of Apple’s miss tonight ).
I would encourage longs / bulls to again “seriously think about taking some profits here”.
You all know I trade with a very keen eye on the technicals, “coupled” with an “extremely keen eye” for the fundamentals.
I think we can all agree……the fundamental picture is clear. The bubble has been popped ( as foreseen many MANY months ago ) and the “recovery” will be an arduous journey spanning months ‘n months “if not years” if we consider the sociological and even cultural impact.
Do you honestly think things will simply “get back to normal”? Do you really think you’ll be shaking strangers hands / interacting in society “as per usual” in coming days / months? If ever?
Perhaps you’ve already second guessed your “humanitarianism” walking by a stranger in a mask? Or if I dare suggest…”someone from China”??? ( oooooooooooh ) = ridiculous. He he he….caught you. Shame on you really. Shame on us.
You don’t even exchange eye contact…and god forbid you actually “touch”.
You think you’re gonna get all “warm ‘n snuggly” a few months from now? Common…….yet expectations are that the ENTIRE WORLD just gets back to “normal”? Please.
Technically – here is a look at what a “typical” next wave down would look like, considering the severity:
Next Wave Down – One Scenario To Consider
Take it for what it is. We COULD rally a touch further, as its impossible to nail it exactly but..
If you don’t have a plan ( whether it is the right plan or not ) you stand zero chance of effectively trading this.
“Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows..Everything that’s wonderful…blah blah blah. Yes yes well…..such is not the case – currently.
Social Distancing From Kong
I can go on and on with a million “technical reasons” this market will roll over ( and take another leg lower ) then I could spend days ‘n days outlining the “fundamental reasons” this market will roll over ( and take another leg lower ) – but you don’t want to hear that.
I guess a firm recognition, and solid understanding of “what we’ve just witnessed” is necessary, in order to formulate a reasonable idea of “where we’re headed next”.
You get it…obviously.
We have just witnessed the largest economic / market “TURN” of our lifetimes.
You would honestly have to be living under a rock to even “consider” this a “passing concern” or a “blip”.
World governments throwing everything / literally “everything they’ve got” at keeping populations calm and assured that monetary relief will come, and that everything will be fine.
Small businesses will die and never come back. Earnings reports over coming quarters will puke, mortgage market may implode, dollar printing will accelerate at such a pace as to “keep up” with the flood of bailouts / defaults / support programs etc…..take your pick.
This is not a bottom – this is a “dead cat bounce”, which looks to be in jeopardy of rolling over “even sooner” than I might have expected.
Do what you will….but do yourself a favor.
This is the beginning – not the end.
I am LOOKING SHORT and will plan accordingly over literally………the next 48 hours.
Scary Thought: the Fed just injected in one week almost the entire amount of liquidity it did in all of QE2 and it is barely enough to keep stocks from plunging.
The mass selling of stocks = massive amounts of U.S Dollars coming into the pool no? Sell your shit….what have you got?
Cash yes. Dollar index rises. Eezy Peezy.
All those margin calls and portfolio liquidations ( of whatever is still left ) have to go into “something” right?
= Cash. Yes.
= U.S Dollar and Japanese Yen as……these are the currencies that are so rapidly printed and used to fuel these bubbles, as they can be borrowed at near 0% interest.
When shit hit’s the fan….everybody sells stocks….and these two currencies rise “dramatically” in the wake. Kapeeeeesh? It’s call “repatriation”.
The U.S Dollar Double Top
This “Dollar Double Top” is effectively “done”.
USD now to be printed to the degree we’ve never seen before….
Scary Thought: the Fed just injected in one week almost the entire amount of liquidity it did in all of QE2 and it is barely enough to keep stocks from plunging.